Our Little Faun

A poem

Sean H.
Jul 16, 2021


photo by author

Her guileless gaze
Set in that miniature face,
Hints secrets as
She solemnly spoons
Me puffed rice,
‘Till I’m full and we laugh
At this curious life.

With small fingers she reaches
And taking my hand,
Leads me out to the place where
My mind must expand,
To follow her language
Emulate her command,
Of the marvels around us -
The grass and the trees,
A plane passing over
Myriad patterns of leaves.

“Papa, Papa, Papa,”
Gravely she chants,
Then running and spinning
And rolling with glee,
Born smiling this one
She shows me life’s dance.



Sean H.

curiosity is my guiding principle, which leads me to want to feel and understand the wonders of existence, the interplay of ideas, and the beauty of the world