
A poem

Maria Yuliana
Jul 20, 2024


Photo by Martino Pietropoli on

Long time hiding
Under comfy shell
Have no clue
How far I trapped
In that cozy jail
To repress all braveness
And rejected strange emotion

But thanks to a small light
Boldly enter the dark corridor of fearfulness
Through small holes in the nonsolid wall
Lead me through
The aisle of doubt
To find the true world
Where I am now

I keep the old soul
Behind me to reflect
Whenever I feel lost
On the way to nowhere

© Maria Yuliana 2024

This poem is written to remind me that although I have entered a new age, the past is what brings me here today no matter how memorable or not it is.



Maria Yuliana

A lifetime learner who need to arrange the clutter in her mind by writing. Hopefully, whoever reads my writing can feel the same joy as I do when writing.