Running Hot & Cold


Mosam Shah
1 min readFeb 2, 2023


Aniket & I in Jacuzzi

Nestled in the Himalayas,
Surrounded by pines and snow,
I sit in this warm heaven,
Of water and rum.

Lying in the jacuzzi
With the water so hot,
My body feels warm,
But my nose freezes up.

The vapour rises
And spreads around me,
Like clouds in the sky,
Only these vapours,
Warm and light,
Instead of making me shiver,
Envelop me in their being.

Tall regal windows
By the yellow pool chairs,
Under the large yellow chandelier,
That brightens up this warm cocoon,
Looking onto this heaven
Of mountains and pines
Of snow and vapour.

As I lay warm and spent
And close my eyes,
I wonder
If this is a dream or life.
I startle and open my eyes
Fearing it will be gone
And it is gone
But not in the poof of a dream
But in the cover of clouds
That promise snow
In the very near now.

Image credit: me :)



Mosam Shah

Free thinker, a legal advisor by profession, a writer and world traveller by passion. Author of Aranya & Falling For You.