Small Heartbreaks Leave A Scar

Embracing the emotions that come from all sized heartbreaks…

Hannah Stoltenberg


Photo by Karim MANJRA on Unsplash

Even small heartbreaks leave a scar,
Telling a story of who we now are.
A tale of a journey into our heart,
Slowly letting someone take part
in the joys and pains of the past and the present,
In moments of tumult and quiescence.

Your world and spirit not crushed or shaken,
But sadness lingers, and loneliness awakens
A hint of longing for a gentle touch,
Knowing another call might just be too much
in this odd time of growth and transition,
Your life, and theirs, in a new position.

Negating the impact is the instinct.
Ignoring heavy feelings hovering over the brink
of allowing the emotions to take their toll,
And releasing ourselves to what we can’t control.
Desires to stay strong and hold composure,
Yet, the moment to look at ourselves a little closer.

Embracing each second with humility and grace,
Able to look ourselves in the face



Hannah Stoltenberg

A scholar, a teacher, a lover of words and adventure.