Soul Piercer

Poems of Anguish



Why are you perplexed?
Willingly and intentionally
You sought and became
My pain and anguish
My bitterness and soul piercer
The reason for my tears and midnight sorrows

Why are you confounded?
I did what is done with pain and anguish
Thrust it out of heart and soul and life
And barred the gates of my broken heart
With double chains and bolt and lock
Lest you return to wreck more havoc
And destroy my fragile peace

But alas, you remain at the threshold a' calling
Beseeching and pleading to be let in yet again
I remain steadfast, unyielding
‘Once bitten, twice shy’
‘Fooled twice, a fool forever’
Heaven forbid I become a fool
Go away and leave me be
You are deemed persona non gratia
A threat to my peace and tranquility

Your reasons and arguments
Claims and counterclaims
Justification upon justification
And myriad excuses
Fall like pebble…

