Spring Never Left

A poem

Gaby Rogut


Photo by jasmin chew from Pexels

I saw it all in a dream:
the storm died off,
the sky had been purged,
I walked under the clouds,
and life infused me
with a new dose of desire.

I’m alive and well,
I have joy,
and I carry hope.

I keep untangling the confusion
that kept me in the dark.

For a moment there,
I thought spring had left;
I was sure
she would never come back.

But today
I put on a white dress
and wore no shoes;
I sang a tune I love
and felt my heart
ready to gobble up on lust.

I had been so wrong…

Spring never left,
she was merely sleeping
and didn’t know
I was looking for her.

And so,
right here and now,
we both



Gaby Rogut

Jack of too many trades. Mom to a son. Former teacher. Bi. Autistic. Mexicana. Need some feedback? Hire me! https://ko-fi.com/gabyrogut/commissions