Still As Before

Published in
1 min readAug 13, 2023
Photo by Tao Yuan on Unsplash

I still see you jump with joy
Though the jump is not as high
And your smile doesn’t reach your eyes
As intensely

As when you were young

I still see you run
Though you don’t run as fast
And your legs don’t carry your body
As stable

As when you were young

I still hear you speak your mind
Though you don’t speak as loud as before
And your voice dosen’t reach its peak
As often

As when you were young

I still see you
Though you don’t live as passionately
And your life doesn’t have the same freedom

As when you were young

But no matter how low you jump now
Always keep jumping as you did back then

No matter how slow you run now
Always keep running as you did back then

No matter how different you speak now
Always keep talking as you did back then

For no matter how short a life is
It can still be lived as long as we are alive

Almost like when we were young

