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Photo by Moreau Henri on Wikipedia

The Eighth Deadly Sin

Ashhab Khan
Published in
2 min readDec 20, 2020


Craving for one touch,
To calm desires so intense
And full of passion,
Covering the eyes of the soul,
Blinding them by lust.

Consuming the drink
Of illusions and delusions,
Wanting to devour more
By this voracious gluttony
Alluring to gollop even more.

Becoming greedy for
Holding on to that power,
So beautiful and dangerous,
Wanting to possess it forever
And never let it slip away.

Staying beneath the boulder
Of all your flaws and sins,
Full of lethargy
Not to mend them,
Driven by the sloth
Sleeping inside of you.

With every mistake made,
Every battle lost,
Every person departed,
That slowly building wrath,
Will burst inside of you,
Unveiling the raging wolf.

The green-eyed monster
Starts residing in your heart,
When the white pearl was,
Taken away from the clam,
Silently driving a wedge between,
Leaving inextinguishable envy.

When the line between
Right and wrong is crossed,
And all acts turn selfish,
Making heaven and hell
Shiver with the fear,
The lion comes to life,
And roars with pride.

Commit all these,
Seven deadly sins,
And you can be saved,
But don’t even dare,
To commit the eighth,
For kingdoms have fallen,
When the kings were blinded
By the mist of love.

Love is a poison,
The deadliest of all,
Ailing the hearts of innocents,
And marring their souls,
Slowly leading them to death.

Ashhab Khan



Ashhab Khan
Writer for

21. Law Student @ NLIU Bhopal. Trying to scribble the heart out.