The Rave and The Dance

Mating in captivity

Alan Tegel


Photo by Vlad Bagacian from Pexels

Deep Thumping Beat
Dark Room Solid Feet
Women grinding on Women
Men grinding on men
Women teasing Men
The best of best raves
To ever comprehend

She sees her guy
Working his way
Through the Crowd
Slicing through butter
Like a hot knife
Making everything drip around

She feels his passion
The pounce like a lion
Deep in heat
She IS the lioness
For she knows she has
Her man hooked with
No one else to compete

His broad shoulders
Thick arms and neck
In front of her
She knows his body is hard
His Ass is very firm and round

She knows he will push her
Make her squeal and keep her on her toes
She sees the outline of his linen pants
Mmmm, no underwear to behold



Alan Tegel

Lover of people, Texas Feminist Liberal Democrat, Horse Farm, High Tech Gadget ENFP Guy, and someone who appreciates the struggle of women and wants to help.