The Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony.

A poem that examines the nature of Gluttony.

Lenoi Poetica
1 min readJun 9, 2024


Photo by Documerica on Unsplash

I will eat, drink and be merry,
For thus is the purpose of life the gluttons believe.
For life is like an ice cream, and residing at the top is a cherry,
But such an outlook and mindset is for the soul, a disease.

The sin of gluttony is pernicious,
For the glutton is no longer eating just to live, but rather living to eat.
Thus imperceptibly, he becomes unambiguous,
For nothing else is on his mind than when to have his next meat.

For gluttony, the holy ones advise temperance,
The hellish punishment is being forced to fed rats, toads, and snakes.
Such a fate the glutton are unaware of, thus their ignorance,
Will allow them to indulge mindlessly, their craven they’ll slake.

Take refuge in temperance’s wisdom,
For such is the way from the abyss to the golden kingdom.



Lenoi Poetica
Writer for

My words are swords that cut through fantasy and paint reality. I'm a vessel of my writing spirit.