The Seven Deadly Sins: Sloth

A poem examining the nature of SLOTH.

Lenoi Poetica
1 min readJun 12, 2024


Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

Tick tock, the time passes by,
Whilst I lie down basking in my slothful nature.
Inactive cognitive activity has left my creativity well dry,
Allowing me to retire further within my chamber.

When my strength and will in sloth's embrace are lost,
Ambition fades, and purpose dims its light,
Each passing day, another bitter cost,
As action's dawn succumbs to endless night.

To be thrown into a snake pit is the punishment being slothful brings,
For such a sin, retract one from the divine.
However, I know that such a punishment will sting,
For my soul is fragile, but to the pleasures of sloth, I’ll be inclined.

To overcome sloth, the holy ones preach diligence,
But as slothful as I am, I don’t want to use my intelligence,
Succumbing to the pleasures of sloth is the evidence.



Lenoi Poetica

My words are swords that cut through fantasy and paint reality. I'm a vessel of my writing spirit.