What’s the Worst Thing Possible?

A poem.

Jun 19, 2023


So, should I be afraid of you?
My dear life?

What if I lose my job?
I will find another one.
What if I lose my sight?
My other senses will be more aware.
What if I lose a closed one?
It ought to happen, I must accept.
What if I have no money one day?
I will find a way to earn again.
What if I have no place to stay?
The world is big, and I will find someplace.

But what if I lose my mental peace?
Won’t I already, if I worry all the time?

And what if my health goes wrong?
Worst, I will die!
At least I will find, what’s on the other side!



Writer for

This is just the human me talking. The spiritual me has found her place somewhere else.