When Will You Learn, Young Boy?

Realizations of one coming of age

2 min readJun 30, 2022


Photo by Alessia C_Jpg on Unsplash

When will you learn that this world simply doesn’t care for you?
When will you learn that the world is too complex
for your little brain to comprehend?

When will you learn
that this world is too large
for your little arms to carry?

When will you learn?

When will you learn that your eyes are too small
for you to see beyond the horizon?

When will you learn that you can only walk so far
on those small legs before your trip and fall even further
on the unforgiving ground of this hard world?

When will you learn,
that perfection is not only when there is nothing else to add
but also when there is nothing else left to take away?
I watch you every single day,
taking bits of your life away from yourself,
trying so hard to understand and bear the burdens of this world;
maybe even carry some,
maybe even lighten it for others, make them less worrisome.
You so badly want to be that hero, everyone’s friend
yet you can’t even realize that
you won’t even be able to save yourself in the end.

You walk around with a heavy heart
always afraid of the hurt, the next day might bring.
Your mind is always clouded, worrying about the next thing you have to do;
hiding behind poetry and fancy metaphors, a perfect cover for you;
never speak directly, never letting people know how you feel;
you just expect them to figure it out… if or when they will,
thinking that somehow they will help you make sense of this mad mad world.
You try so hard to do everything,
even worse that you have to learn on the job
but you don’t have to do it all by yourself;
allow me to help,
let’s try doing it together.




"You are almost out of time, but you have all the time in the world"