When Your Heart Breaks

You Know You’re Human

Stella Yan, PhD


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

You can read this poem for free via this link.

When your heart breaks,
You know it will never fully heal.
A wound in the heart isn’t like that in your arm
It bleeds not blood but the core of your identity.
It’s a hurt that cannot be undone.
Like it or not, it makes you human.

Ironically, many wounds in the heart are self-inflicted.
We can’t believe we did it to ourselves.
We overestimate our strengths, underestimate the risks,
Repeat past mistakes, revive bad habits,
Dwell in delusions, clothed in prejudice.
Like it or not, it makes us human.

One day, an old wound of mine started bleeding again.
I was both prepared and unprepared
Prepared because it was quite a common occurrence,
Unprepared because no one could ever get used to your heart torn up.
Calmly taking in the pain, I learned to sing in the rain.
You get it or not, it makes ME human.



Stella Yan, PhD

PhD in Physics. Residing in the US. Deeply engaged in the exploration of math, science, and personal introspection.