Words on Wings

Truth is Told

1 min readDec 13, 2022


Gaston Roulstone

Fret not child for I am not the special one.
Neither human nor known as the Son.
Somewhere along histories way, a message lost even to this day.

Gods decree not words of a single winged one.
They be bright as the sun, my image each will burn on.
The heavens quake and angels fell, the remaining story yet yours to tell.

You look to me in heaven's sight.
To walk you through the earthly nights.
Still blind to all you are, God's children the night skies stars.

By your side always, I will be.
Saving grace is not up to me.
You are the reason the seasons change in God's image the answer remains.

See yourself in my reflection.
Understand you are God's complexion.
All that was and is to be, wears no wings nor complexity.

You are the savior you are the light.
I am your servant in day and in night.
Save yourself before the Sons return flight.

Many names by which I have been known.
None of importance, in your time of feeling alone.
Open your heart, and the gates will do the same.

I am the companion, and you are the flame.




Patient of life, attempting to heal oneself by Quill. Transitioning from a profession of technology.