IQ Protocol Welcomes BloodLoop

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3 min readMay 3, 2022

IQ Protocol is excited to welcome BloodLoop into our ecosystem!


BloodLoop is an exciting new massive multiplayer online first person shooter, built on the Avalanche Blockchain. Upon its release, it will also have cross-chain functionality on BSC as well.

Entering BloodLoops’ futuristic, sci-fi setting, players will not only demonstrate their skill while earning rewards, but they will also have a direct impact on the development of the game’s storyline. Using a unique model, BloodLoop involves their DAO, allowing players to vote within the game, giving shape to its future. Interestingly, the votes are not based simply on the amount of tokens one possesses. Rather, the military power of a clan and the results of past wars also plays a factor.

The developers of BloodLoop aim to create a product that will prioritize gameplay, making the gaming experience unique, and bringing a breath of fresh air to the world of Web3 gaming. Based on the network of social interactions, the main game modes are dependent on the aspirations and goals of each clan’s members. Will there be peace between warring clans, or will the conflict spill over into an epic battle with 400-player lobbies?

IQ Protocol + BloodLoop

IQ Protocol is excited to provide BloodLoop with the basis of their NFT rental marketplace. Being full of NFTs — from characters, weapons, and other collectibles — our platform will help make the BloodLoop economy even more dynamic and the possibilities for guilds more exciting.

Within BloodLoop, NFTs are offered to players on a rotating basis. By utilizing IQ Protocol, BloodLoop will make it possible for their players to lend or rent out these items (many of which are rare), without risk or need for collateral. Given the unique nature of BloodLoop NFTs, owners may decide to rent powerful items to other clans for the duration of a war, making the use of the IQ Protocol vital to the in-game experience.

IQ Protocol’s digital asset renting and lending is risk-free and collateral-less? How does that work?

We at IQ Protocol know that digital assets are not only valuable, but are also important to their owners. That is why we have worked hard to come up with a secure platform for renting and borrowing of digital assets. Typical modes of lending an asset puts a lender at risk, say, if the borrower refuses to return or loses hold of the asset (for whatever reason). With IQ Protocol, such risks are not a concern. Instead of giving the original asset to the borrower, IQ Protocol mints an expirable version of the NFT (which contains all of the unique features of the original). This NFT is then given to the borrower. This guarantees that the original NFT is always safe and can be returned to the owner after the agreed-upon rental contract has expired. Now, players can rest easy renting out the items that they aren’t currently using, providing the guild with a frictionless way of pooling their assets.

And that isn’t even the whole story! We are also introducing other innovative features, such as cross-chain lending and multi-purpose renting.

We look forward to seeing you in BloodLoop!

About BloodLoop

BloodLoop is the web3’s first MMO-FPS game, built on top of the Avalanche Network. With a fully decentralized economic system, BloodLoop is pioneering the web3 gaming space, bringing on the table a product inspired from major web2 titles that traditional gamers are fond of. Team’s final goal is to tap into the potential of the enormous pool of gamers that web2 FPS titles are counting, pushing at the same time the vision of decentralization and user-owned assets.

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About IQ Protocol

IQ Protocol is a decentralized money market for digital asset renting and on-chain subscriptions. The next money lego that allows users to rent wrapped expirable versions of digital assets without collateral for their utility, while allowing holders to earn by providing liquidity without risk.

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