IQ Protocol Welcomes Elementies

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3 min readMar 23, 2022

“…Let me take you to Mount Fuzzi in the land of ‘no one knows where’ and during the age of ‘no one knows when’. Little, hard working creatures of the Elementies live here, from which the history of our reality began.”

So the lore of the Elementies begins…

Fire, water, earth, air, light, shadow, time, sound and energy — these, the story goes, are the fundamental components that make up our universe. These Elementies lived in harmony with one another, but must now learn to survive the chaos of the world that has become.

IQ Protocol is enchanted to welcome Elementies to our ecosystem!

Let’s learn a little more about these lighthearted creatures and the imaginative game they inhabit…


Elementies is a Pokémon-inspired, Play-to-Earn game built on the Solana blockchain. Illustrated in a friendly, whimsical manner, the world of Fuzzi Mountain immediately invites us in. Here, we encounter a multitude of Elementies, the main characters of the game. Each being unique in look, traits, and characteristics, it is with these Elementies that players will battle one another in 3 vs 3 competitions, defeat bosses, or turn their attention to environment creation. All of these play options offer chances to win rewards.

Elementies will be available on PC, macOS, Android, and iOS. As an NFT-based game, Elementies will allow players to earn rewards by winning battles, collaborating with others, breeding, raising, collecting, selling, and renting property, and much more. Success in the game will require the use of complex tactics and strategies to win battles and breed the best Elementies.

IQ Protocol + Elementies

We at IQ Protocol are excited to provide our NFT marketplace platform to Elementies. We’re excited to equip their players with the ability for renting and lending all of the delightful in-game assets Elementies has imagined.

IQ Protocol provides the infrastructure for one player to rent out their NFTs to other players for a pre-arranged amount of time and for an agreed-upon price, thus benefiting both parties involved. Where stakers and lenders gain interest or income on their assets, renters gain access to whatever utility the asset represents, thereby bringing to life the use cases the assets empower. And did we mention this is a risk-free process?

IQ Protocol’s model for NFT lending and borrowing is built to be risk-free. Typical modes of lending an asset puts the lender at risk, say, if the borrower loses hold of the asset (for whatever reason). With IQ Protocol, such risks are not a concern. Instead of giving the original asset to the borrower, IQ Protocol mints an expirable version of the NFT (which contains all of the unique features of the original). This NFT is then fully accessible to the borrower. Our platform guarantees that the original NFT is always safe and can be returned to the owner after the agreed-upon rental contract has expired. Now, players can rest easy renting out the items that they aren’t currently using, providing a source of passive income without having to sell their favorite assets.

We look forward to our ascent of Fuzzi Mountain!

To learn more about IQ Protocol and what we offer, click this link.

About Elementies

Elementies is a Pokémon-inspired, play-to-earn game universe that uses the Solana blockchain. To learn more about their platform, visit them on their socials!

Website | Twitter | Discord

About IQ Protocol

IQ Protocol is a decentralized money market for digital asset renting and on-chain subscriptions. The next money lego that allows users to rent wrapped expirable versions of digital assets without collateral for their utility, while allowing holders to earn by providing liquidity without risk.

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