IQ Protocol Welcomes Firework Games and SPARK ERA

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4 min readJan 27, 2022

Creating blockchain-based games is no simple task. From one side, challenges are faced by traditional gaming studios, not knowing which route into the new terrain would serve them best. From another side, blockchain developers and gamers face open questions about what kind of worlds they want to build and about the type of communities they want to create. Yet, these kinds of questions can be a great source of excitement and energy, especially for a newly-forming industry. In fact, there is one such project that embraces these challenges, integrating them into the heart of their mission.

IQ Protocol is pleased to extend a warm welcome to Firework Games. Their introductory venture onto our platform will come by way of SPARK ERA, a free-to-play, play-to-earn Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game.

Let’s give ourselves a moment to get to know them a bit more…

Firework Games and SPARK ERA

Firework Games is a multi-purpose, decentralized platform for blockchain gaming. On the one hand, they offer resources for programmers to self-develop their own games; and on the other, they provide infrastructure for traditional games to migrate into new territory, supporting the conditions for them to evolve into blockchain games. Ultimately their vision is one of simplifying the web3 world, making it more navigable by offering gamers and developers technical support, platform support, community governance, and even funding during the process.

SPARK ERA will be their inaugural game on IQ Protocol. Created by Firework Games, SPARK ERA is a Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game based on an interstellar background. Relying on the principles of GameFi and on in-game assets that take the form of NFTs, SPARK ERA allows gamers to play the role of intergalactic citizens of different classes and races, to pilot over 1,000 types of ships, and to explore a multitude of over 20,000 galaxies comprised of over 100 million planets. With so many possibilities at hand, players of SPARK ERA also have the option to swap out a host of accessories and functions on their ships, to join in the network of legions, and to battle other players in interstellar wars, winning them glory and rewards.

IQ Protocol + Firework Games and SPARK ERA

With SPARK ERA, Firework Games supports a network of global gamers in real time, all while allowing for a multi-chain shared game ecosystem and cross-chain asset transfers. The open-ended nature of gaming is a core component of SPARK ERA, a game in which every aspect of the interstellar history is something to be created by its players. IQ Protocol provides the fundamental infrastructure to make this possible.

IQ Protocol will allow Firework Games to extend the scope of their offerings, by providing their users with a risk-free and collateral-less form of renting and lending of in-game NFT assets!

How does this work?

IQ Protocol’s model for NFT lending and borrowing is built to be risk-free. Typical modes of lending an asset puts the lender at risk, say, if the borrower loses hold of the asset (for whatever reason). With IQ Protocol, such risks are not a concern. Instead of giving the original asset to the borrower, IQ Protocol mints an expirable version of the NFT (which contains all of the unique features of the original). This NFT is then given to the borrower. This guarantees that the original NFT is always safe and can be returned to the owner after the agreed-upon rental contract has expired. The benefits abound! Lenders receive an added bonus of gaining income on their assets, while players are given the chance to utilize assets that they would never have decided to purchase — because, for example, they may only need it for a short period of time or could not afford the item.

Despite how simple it may sound, the lending and renting of in-game assets unlocks a whole universe of potential that would otherwise be missing from a gaming platform. Our protocol helps ensure that the future of web3 gaming can be more dynamic than its traditional predecessors. We look forward to building the future with Firework Games and SPARK ERA.

Hey there! All of the projects you’ve just been reading about have great things lined up for 2022. Keep up with Firework Games, SPARK ERA, and IQ Protocol by joining our social media channels.

About Firework Games and SPARK ERA

To learn more about Firework Games please visit their website and Medium page, Twitter profile, and join their Discord and Telegram channels.


To learn more about SPARK ERA please visit their Twitter profile.

About IQ Protocol

IQ Protocol is a decentralized money market for digital asset renting and on-chain subscriptions. The next money lego that allows users to rent wrapped expirable versions of digital assets without collateral for their utility, while allowing holders to earn by providing liquidity without risk.

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