IQ Protocol Welcomes SolDrinks

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4 min readFeb 11, 2022

In order for the expanse of the metaverse to grow, the limits between it and “everyday life” must draw closer to one another. The expressions of this nearness can take many forms. While this may mean that some aspects of the metaverse will occupy a wholly fantastical domain, it will also mean that many of the concerns addressed in the metaverse will also be ones that are faced in our everyday lives.

Today, IQ Protocol is proud to welcome SolDrinks into our ecosystem. SolDrinks is an excellent example of an NFT-based, metaverse platform that harnesses the resources of the blockchain to address a problem that plagues many people across the globe, namely, alcoholism. SolDrinks brings a positive influence to the blockchain with an active promotion of healthy, alcohol-free living.

Let’s take a moment to learn a bit more about SolDrinks and their mission…


SolDrinks is a 100% transparent, community-funded NFT platform based on Solana. Their collection of NFTs is made up of 4,444 pixel-art NFTs, each representing a unique mocktail. These NFTs have a variety of functions. For example, with a SolDrink users are granted access to partnered metaverse platforms, receive exclusive airdrops, and enter SolDrinks’ own metaverse lounge, where activities and rewards can be found.

The goal of SolDrinks is to extend the resources available on the blockchain to help drive their social mission: to support individuals who struggle with alcoholism and champion the alcohol-free movement in the world of Web3. They are approaching this goal from more than one angle. For example, they are dedicated to providing an ongoing series of donations to charities that actively work to help people who struggle with addiction, such as the Partnership to End Addiction. They are also working to team up with influencers and alcohol-free companies to create links between the world of blockchain and with the real world. Finally, they are creating a virtual, alcohol-free metaverse lounge where people can socialize and support each other, all while being given opportunities to earn rewards.

IQ Protocol + SolDrinks

IQ Protocol will be providing key support for the SolDrinks platform, expanding the accessibility of their platform as well as the ability for their users’ assets to generate value. One of the specialities of IQ Protocol is providing projects with a model for blockchain-based subscriptions and asset renting. SolDrinks will be putting these features to use!

Ultimately, the goal of SolDrinks is to become an expansive utility-NFT platform on Solana. They plan to expand the use cases of their NFTs by integrating with all kinds of utility providing platforms on Solana, from gaming, to social networking, to marketplaces, and beyond. Thanks to IQ Protocol’s risk-free and collateral-free NFT rental platform, SolDrinks will be providing their users with the ability to rent and borrow their NFTs.

Essentially, IQ Protocol has completely reimagined how NFTs can be accessed by users. No longer will it be necessary for users to pay large amounts of money in order to take advantage of digitals that they may only use for a limited amount of time. Instead, they can simply be borrowed from, or rented out to, other users. Moreover, this can be done without any risk!

Instead of giving the original asset to the borrower, IQ Protocol mints an expirable version of the NFT (which retains the unique features of the original), which is then given to the borrower. This means that the original NFT remains safe in IQ Protocol, until it is returned to the owner after the agreed-upon rental contract has expired.

IQ Protocol is excited to welcome SolDrinks into our ecosystem, and we are proud to support their project’s positive influence in our world!

About SolDrinks

SolDrinks is a collection of 4444 pixel mocktail NFTs built on Solana. We are a 100% community funded NFT project with the goal of bringing the best accessibility to metaverse, marketplace, protocols, and DAOs for SolDrinks NFT holders. Our long-term goal is to build a social lounge in the metaverse and drive alcohol-free movement.

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About IQ Protocol

IQ Protocol is a decentralized money market for digital asset renting and on-chain subscriptions. The next money lego that allows users to rent wrapped expirable versions of digital assets without collateral for their utility, while allowing holders to earn by providing liquidity without risk.

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