
Iqbal Rafi
Published in
1 min readFeb 15, 2020

As you may know, I love Twitter a lot! One of the reasons is that people that I respect sometimes send a picture of their book collection aka their anti-library. There are tons of books out there and one of the ways for me to isolate signals vs noises is to only read books recommended by the people that I respect. This also helps to speed up the time spent buying books at the bookstore, just grab and go as I already know what books I should buy.

I want to pay it forward with my own anti-library. This shot was taken a couple of months ago. I don’t have the recent one since I need to expand my book rack (a good problem to have!)



Iqbal Rafi

Strategy Analyst, Value Investor, Perpetual Learner. Go to my publication for more structured posts (