Let’s Pray to Allah Asking for His Protection

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2 min readMar 30, 2020


Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Allah has granted us life and we all have a duty to protect ourselves from harm in a manner that Allah has commanded us.

We also have a duty to do what we can to protect those who we are responsible for from our families, friends, and neighbors.

Wherever and whenever possible, we ought to advise others too about making the right choices to help them help themselves.

But the most important thing we can do is to pray and make a Dua (supplication) for ourselves and for everyone else. (Get IqraSense’s Book — “Dua’s for Success” here)

By this we mean, we must take the time (minutes and hours if needed) to focus our attention toward Allah and to ask for His help and protection.

Allah reminds us in the Quran:

“…But Allah is the best protector (guardian), and He is the most merciful of the merciful.” (Surah Yousuf, verse 64)

Quran — Surah Yousuf (Verse 64)

We need to ask Allah to protect us, our families, friends, neighbors, and everyone else from this disease that has descended on this earth.




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