iQube Domain Elucidation!!

Harini C
Published in
7 min readAug 10, 2020


For a tech lover, iQube is one of the best place to train and discover yourself.

“I have a powerful desire to learn and explore but stuck with knowing and choosing a domain to step forward”.

We all have been at this point once. This is when you will have to stay curious and look around to know more. You grow and learn stuff when you step out of your comfort zone.

So, to find a solution for these curious minds, iQube organised a domain briefing session where the technical crew explain about various domains of the forum.

“Details matter, it’s worth waiting to get it right”.

With an enormous circle of 100 participants, the management team and the technical team of iQube conducted the session via zoom app intending to make the students have a grasp on all domains.



Cybersecurity is one of the most interesting and vast domain with several sub-domains.

As you have a lot to explore, you’ll get exposed to every corner of computer science. If you possess a curiosity and look into the intricacies and technicalities, then you’ll master cybersecurity.

It vaguely classifies into web security, mobile security, hardware, IoT, reverse engineering, binary exploitation, cryptography, etc…

You can be flexible and learn many things and switch back from cybersecurity to other sub-domains. As a carrier option initially, it may be quite gruesome but, if you can persist then you will work your way in the ladder. It is also a lucrative carrier to grow as an individual.

My analogy is, “Have a blueprint, know the entire system and have a goal, choose a way to get to that”.

The whole domain revolves around the analogy. Hence, this domain would completely blow your minds if you know the analogy.



Competitive programming is a mandatory field for all who choose software. In short, it is a cyber-sport.

It essentially involves solving a simulated version of real-world problems which can be approached using a data structure, algorithms and some programming techniques.

For all who aim for a product-based software company, competitive programming and software engineering must go hand in hand to get placed. This might be a bit dry or unrewarding at the beginning. So, don’t be hopeless. Understand the complexities of the field.

Possess the ability to mastery any technology and built any solution in a significantly short span.



Embedded and IoT is not bounded under micro-controller programming. It is more about the application, to solve diverse challenges in various circumstances.

Supreme challenges of the domain are optimisation, troubleshooting and creative thinking.

1. Optimization: to always design a system with limited power, limited memory, limited input, output and low cost.

2.Troubleshooting and creative thinking: it is the right way to fix the wrong contact. Reduces time. Troubleshooting comes by practice. “practice makes a man perfect”.

The level of the embedded system is getting more complex every day. The skills required and opportunities are soaring nowadays.



As mankind is substantially moving online, it creates a massive increase in data. So, to handle these, data companies need data professionals like data scientist, data engineers, etc. Thus the demand goes high. Yet the problem is with the skill sets in this profession.

Learning some specific machining libraries and learning some algorithms is not enough. The prime purpose is to get actionable insight from it.

A simple tip is, get started with a programming language (python is great), learn the fundamentals. Implement it.

In data science, you should be able to persist. With the up-coming automation, companies still need data professionals. So, stay updated.

For data science aspirants the future of this domain looks great if you know to persist in it.



Playing games made me involved in this domain. It is a fun-filled and interesting domain.

AR stands for augmented reality — you place something virtual into an actual world. To experience this, you require a camera, and few sensors to track your eyes and face.

VR for virtual reality — you place an actual object into a man-made virtual environment. Where you can’t experience the environment.

Getting deep into AR and VR there are also MR and XR is for Mixed Reality and Extended Reality.

MR — You fuse AR and VR. Where you can interact with the virtual world. In XR you will get a better experience in the virtual environment. And also the applications of this field are very endless.



“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”

The intention of the domain is to bring innovation through designing. Designers design everything around us. It is a way of projecting ideas then alter its shape, size and colour into a new product.

In the early stages, we used 2D sketches in papers and presented to the manufacturers. Now, technology evolves designers to innovators. And so the application is everywhere.

In iQube for design thinking, we get to know the target audience, their problem, and then brainstorm the ideas to implement the solutions.


In this domain, all teams combine with the digital design team and implement the ideas into a tangible form. Here, we do cad modelling and additive and subtractive manufacturing.

Mainly, we do rapid manufacturing and design of prototyping and maintenance system.

It is better to look into the design process and then tap into the market research. Spend 2 to 3 months in cad modelling. Thus, while getting into product and market research you will know how it will be adaptive in the manufacturing process.

The scope of this domain is quite varied that you can go from designing all the way to the manufacturing sector.



Software development is not about developing software and writing the code. The end goal of the software should not be only to solve the problem but also it should be fast, efficient, easy, convenient and user perspective.

You should develop the code under reliability, which does not fail under any condition. You must handle the exceptions and errors. And also be sure and keen on how to write the logic.

You can develop software for both mobile and website. It is called as full-stack development. The three major categories required for a full stack developer is frontend, backend and database.

Front end for mobile has two types of applications. They are native-application and cross-application. As one particular technology will not rule the world, have the capacity to learn other technology.

You need a better understanding of the software to debug easily and to know where the problem arises.

Stick as a full stack developer though the initial start is with front end or back end.

“Take a language, learn some basic frameworks and then you can start some framework and get started with it”.


In the initial days, entering iQube with various phobias and wonderful dreams there were many failures. One wonderful book “power of sub-conscious mind” literally changed the fearful life and altered me into an amiable software engineer.

Despite the rough beginning, the later stuff went well moreover the happiness attained by the service made from it was overwhelming. Software developers get to develop software that helps people in some ways to get their life beautiful.

Being passionate about social help and software development, learning several tools and technologies used in cross-platform mobile application, mobile application, fetching data, etc. for front end and back end development was much useful. Also, the applications of these were pleasing.

As in whole, “Put in much more effort and have a very positive mindset. The more you dream, the more the possibility of reaching the goal that you envision”.

So, with a good deal of enlightenment and information, the session ended by with a message that,

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life. You have to have a lot of passion for what you are doing because it is so hard if you aren’t. When your passion and purpose are greater than your fears and excuses, you will find a way. And the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.

The current circumstances we live in, bring a lot of uncertainties and new challenges. So, let’s stay safe home and keep learning. And stay ahead of the curve.

