Tech, Digital and Mobile Trends 2017: data, evolution and opportunity

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7 min readJun 14, 2017

Characterizing 2017, in addition to the development of exponential technologies, will be convergence. Many technologies emerging in recent years and which have defined the tech and digital scenario in the past months are starting to converge by defining new contexts and outlining new business experiences and models.

In 2016, we saw new trends emerging, technologies evolve, business processes and people’s behavior connect and change.

Between brands and companies the battle for the attention of users, in a context of information overload, is becoming more complex.

Content created by users has reached previously unimaginable levels in recent years. Every day, users produce and make use of content at any time and in every place. Content that is no longer only sought after: the content itself reaches the user through more and more detailed profiling mechanisms, thus absorbing attention, bringing it to a saturation level.

In 2016 alone, the numbers were incredibly high and growing:

  • 42 billion messages every day on Whatsapp;
  • 3 billion likes every day on Instagram;
  • 300 million photos on Facebook a day;
  • 2.5 quintillion bytes generated every day;
  • 10,000 agencies are developing a Bot equipped with Artificial Intelligence and over 35,000 ChatBots already created just for FB Messenger.

And all this is taking place more and more through mobile, which has become the main access point for research and enjoyment of content by users. Even in this case the numbers confirm this growth:

  • 3 billion smartphones in use on which we spend over 5 hours a day;
  • 40,000 new apps in store and over 224 million downloads each day;
  • 65% of the time spent online is on mobile and 90% of it is within instant messaging apps.

To be visible and to be able to capture the attention of the user is increasingly complex and at the same time crucial to the success of a product, service or communication.

In order to build a working user experience, you no longer have to start with channels, metrics and techniques but with the user and their attention.

Emerging trends have in common the goal of making the experience of people more fluid, without friction and interconnected than ever. We have identified some that will take on, in this and in coming years, a central role in people’s lives and business processes.

AI and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence will integrate into technologies, services and objects, making devices capable of performing actions that normally require human intelligence, such as the ability to:

  • learn;
  • perform reasoning;
  • risolve problems;
  • understand language;
  • perceive situations and environments.

AI can be categorized into two types, simple (or narrow) and strong (or general). When Netflix suggests TV series to watch on the basis of our tastes or Amazon the products we may like, this is narrow AI.

Remember H.A.L. from “2001: A Space Odyssey”? The sentient supercomputer imagined by Kubrick, capable of independently deciding what action to take and the information to share, is instead an example of strong artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence and neural networks based machine learning programs will then enable computers to learn new tasks from experience without the need for human programming, not only making it possible to analyze a large amount of data, but also predictability and the ability to make decisions without human intervention.

Evolution in real-time machine learning is also transforming prediction times and opportunities, thanks to the ability to adapt their models in real time. For example, you can associate a user with the right product while browsing ecommerce or rearranging content on your site based on the preferences and needs of each individual user.

Deep Learning and Cognitive Computing

At a higher level of sophistication, deep learning is then introduced, that is, the use of a series of algorithms that can analyze a data volume (we are talking about several terabytes of text, images, video, audio etc.) and self-learning.

Systems will autonomously learn how to handle processes that until recently could not exclude human intervention, such as the writing of complex software.

In this context, then, the systems of cognitive computing are introduced, which, through natural language processing and AI, are able to understand our intentions and behaviors and to enable a much more natural human-machine interaction.

Cognitive systems such as IBM Watson will enhance human ability to thoroughly analyze complex problems.

Conversational Interfaces and ChatBot

If 2016 was the year of the BOT, with over 35,000 ChatBots developed just for Facebook Messenger, 2017 will be the year that they become a key element in business strategies and evolve through AI and NLP.

Interaction between people and systems will become more intuitive, accessible, and effective with the transition from graphical interfaces (GUIs) to conversational interfaces (CUIs), which cancel the friction caused by the need to learn a new language.

More than 10,000 companies are developing ChatBots that can support and improve customer service and marketing through the ability to handle personal conversations with users and remember details of subsequent interactions.

Prospects and opportunities for brands and companies are many and we have analyzed them in our free ebook, in which we have dealt with data, research, application areas, and strategies to put in place.

Mixed Reality

Mixed Reality (MR) combines physical and digital contexts and includes technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), 360° video, and holograms.

With the growing availability of devices and an increasing number of content providers involved in creating stories and experiences for different platforms, mixed reality will play a major role in multiple contexts and sectors.

Large companies such as Oculus, Sony, HTC and Google are selling their VR headsets and are working on even more immersive experiences and environments.

In 2016 Pokemon Go and the tremendous popularity that the game gained in a very short time reignited the interest of brands and companies in the integration of augmented reality on mobile.

A few months ago, Snapchat announced their AR glasses, Spectacles, whose main function is to capture video, but they are equipped with dashboards in augmented reality.

360 ° videos transform the visual experience from passive to active making it more engaging and exciting to the user because it can project the person inside the action while maintaining control over navigation and content usage.

Already integrated into Youtube and Facebook, other platforms such as PlayStation will introduce them in the coming months.

Digital Transformation

Structuring a flexible organization that quickly transforms its technologies and culture is a necessity today.

The company’s digital transformation will take on a key role not only to survive the ongoing business disruption, but also to create agile, adaptable and scalable business models in the long run.

In another article, we identified the major drivers and best practices for a real digital transformation in the company, which will increasingly emphasize the centrality of customer experience and an omnichannel approach to business strategies.

Omnicanality and Customer Experience

Today, experience is at the heart of the relationship with consumers and the ability to create end-to-end customer experience is the key to generating real value for the company.

Omnicanality is the ability to enable a continuous experience between brands, formats, and devices. System integration and the emergence of new digital touchpoints will allow us to redefine the relationship with consumers and rethink Loyalty from a qualitative viewpoint.

Mobile Commerce & Retail

Mobile is gaining ever greater importance in Retail, positioning itself as a priority shopping channel and modifying customer buying behavior.

Companies that invest in mobile-first strategies will gain a competitive edge, by capturing user attention in micro-moments of searching and purchasing.

Mobile Deep Linking

Mobile deep linking will change the user experience by simplifying the searching and sharing of information between apps in your smartphone.

There are 3 types of deep links:

  • traditional: redirecting the user from an app or site (e.g. a link posted on Twitter) directly to the app, if it is installed on the smartphone;
  • deferred: referring directly to the content if the app is installed or otherwise to the application tab in its app store;
  • contextual: making more robust information management possible, enabling direct navigation from site-to-app, from app to site, from app to app, and providing personalized information.

Apple with the iOS Universal Links and Google with the Android App Links now allow the implementation of these three types of mobile deep linking through a single development, depending on needs.

System Integration

Total system integration will lead to the optimization of the information flow and system management (eCommerce, CMS, legacy systems, etc.) and business processes, increasing omnichannels and efficiency.

The goal is to accompany the user throughout the entire customer journey without experiencing discontinuity between the touchpoints, the services and the company’s properties, capturing the moments that count.

Integration of systems and processes (CRM, loyalty systems, applications, legacy systems, etc.) and between web and mobile provides companies with a single point of access to information and the large amount of data available.

The creation of intelligent systems that learn, adapt, and act autonomously, instead of simply executing default instructions, will be the main technological challenge until at least 2020 (Gartner).

The boundary between the physical and digital world will become increasingly unclear, creating new opportunities, business models and ecosystems. The dynamic interconnection between people, processes, objects and services will create smart digital ecosystems, transforming architectures, platforms, systems and experiences.

The ability to anticipate trends and not to be a follower of the technology and digital evolution will be the real competitive advantage of companies. Over the next few months, we will explore the opportunities and challenges of the trends we are convinced will be crucial and we will tell you about some projects we are working on in the area of sports, retail and B2B.


Our #ForwardThinking grows with us.

In a context of continuous movement, the culture of a company also evolves and constantly changes together with the people, processes and business.

Our #IQUIICulture is born from the values we share and define our approach to customers, partners and colleagues.

Our ability to connect people, technologies and business models makes us enablers of experience. A culture that is developed, evolved, spread, and shared. And you will find it updated on our Slideshare!



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We’re not another Digital Company. We are forward thinkers: we humanize businesses and make engagement and loyalty real in #Finance #Sport #Retail