Is she, or isn’t she? | part 3

Black cock craving/Cuckold fantasy by Deni for ‘Samarel Eros’

Hm Samarel
IR/Cuckold Avenue
Published in
14 min readDec 29, 2023


He sat there, his beloved Staci in his arms, draped over his shoulder, where she had passed out. ‘My GOD!’ he thought, ‘what the hell was that all about? They were proposing to my wife right in front of me. And thinking I would want to watch them fuck her? SHIT!’ But his cock began to twitch at the very thought of seeing their big black cocks plunging into her whiteness, then withdrawing as her tiny little pussy suckled their huge shafts as they pulled out, only to fuck back into her little body again.

His legs started to go to sleep where the toilet seat cut into his hamstrings and under his knees. Pretty soon, he wouldn’t be able to walk if he stood up. Still, she remained motionless in his arms. ‘My god, she must have cum hard!’ he thought. ‘I wonder if it was me inside her or them out there talking about fucking her that turned her on so much?’

Then he remembered that she had told him she was so horny right after she danced with Wade and then again after she danced with LeRoy. Must have been her pussy grinding up and down on their big black shafts while she danced with them. But no, she said it was his eyes watching her. But then, of course, she would say that; she would try to mislead him, so he wouldn’t guess, but he already knew that she was fucking around on him. He had seen the cum in her underwear; how could that be doubted? But she had not even tried to hide that. It was like she had deliberately placed them there for him to find and made sure he knew she saw him find them. Nothing made any sense. Fuck!

My God, she had said that word! She had said, “Fuck!”

He had never heard her say that before. She barely said “shit” when she was really angry, much less “fuck!” His head was swimming, and he felt a headache coming on. He was thinking way too much recently. His headache came on with a roar, and he could not even stand up to walk it off. It felt like it had been a couple of hours since she passed out on top of him, but looking at his watch, it had been only about five minutes.

She stirred softly and slowly sat up, looking around as if confused. Then she looked at his face, and her succulent lips moved down to softly kiss his mouth. A soft, tender, loving kiss that lingered for forever. He felt such sudden shame that he doubted her fidelity. GOD! He was going nuts over this.

“I love you, Bobbi, more than words can say. Thank you for letting me bring you in here and make love to you."

She had called it making love this time. To him, make love to HIM! What the hell did that mean? They had fucked like animals as they listened to two strangers talk about their propositioning her on the dance floor. And what had Wade said? He had asked her to go on an overnight trip with him. Maybe that is how he would finally know if she came up with some excuse to go out of town on Saturday.

In a soft, sexy voice, she murmured into his ear, "Wow, Bobbi, that was the most intense sex I have ever had, honey. Thanks for being willing to spoil me like that! …..

God was that something, baby. I have been feeling so sexy for about a month now, honey. I can’t believe how turned on I am. All the time now.” Her naked nipples were rubbing his chest as she murmured into his ear. He could smell her perfume—soft, wet, sexy, and inviting. Her breath was tantalizing his ear with its soft sibilance. The hair on the back of his neck was erected stiffly.

Thinking back, he suddenly realized that their marital sex, even while they were courting, had been kind of mundane. Well, mundane in comparison to this, for sure! But even on their honeymoon, she had not been particularly interested. She accepted his advances, sure, but she had never initiated sex. In fact, she had not initiated sex a single time since they were married. And then, all of a sudden, this? Had being fucked by a huge, thick black cock made her this way now? Maybe there WAS something about going black and not coming back. Would she soon tire of his little white weenie and leave him for them? “Them,” the big-cocked black men that he realized he envied beyond belief. Their huge cocks made her so happy as they fucked her little cunt, her gorgeous legs over their powerful black shoulders as their huge, stiff black cocks plundered her little white treasure.

“Honey, do you like the new me? The new sexually active me? Have you been cumming enough now, baby? Am I a better lover for you now?”

How could he do anything but say he loved the “new her?”

She smiled her most dazzling smile at him and stood up, her breasts still uncovered, her skirt still around her waist, and her tiny pussy lips still open from his use of her. God, she had never been sexier to him than right now. He tried to stand, but his legs gave way, and he toppled onto his chest on the restroom floor. He had never realized how badly a restroom floor smelled before. And his naked, soft cock had landed, then scooted across it, gathering whatever was in the way. He felt mortified and shamed by his fall.

She reached for him, her breasts giggling so enticingly as she helped him up. Still fully exposed, she kneeled and massaged his legs for him. His cock, probably covered with restroom floor filth, did a small dance against her ear as she lovingly rubbed his legs. Her thighs were splayed wide, one on each side of his legs, as she knelt before him, and he could still see her little innocent spreading open pussy lips.

She stood and put her arms around his neck. She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him softly and lovingly. Tears formed in his eyes as he thought about how much he loved this incredibly good-looking and sexy woman. Her naked breasts were against his shirt. Her hardening nipples scraped against his chest. His filthy cock winkled against her pussy. He became very aware of her body as he stood there, kissing her, holding her, and loving her.

Suddenly she disengaged, turned, opened the door to the cubicle, and stepped out of the handicapped cubicle into the restroom, her breasts still exposed and her pussy still bare. She strode to the urinal and looked down at her kitty. Reaching down, she pulled the top of her little lips up and pressed a steady stream of urine into the urinal. She put her head back and laughed a full laugh as her lewd display of urinating like a male left her totally exposed to any man walking into the restroom.

When her stream had dwindled, she stepped back, turned so he could see her pussy, then ran her finger up her cleft and licked the captured urine from her finger. She looked up at her husband and grinned wickedly.

“Let’s go back out there so I can dance with those hunky men again, honey. I want to watch your eyes watch me dance. That turns me on so much as I ride their cocks while we dance, and you watch my every move. They were right; I did ride their cocks while we danced, baby. I loved feeling their hardness against my clittie. They have huge cocks, both of them. God! Huge cocks, honey, HUGE cocks!”

So there it was; it was their cocks that turned her on. NO! Wait! She said it was his eyes watching her ride their huge cocks. God Damn It! What the hell is going on here? She just admitted to me that she enjoyed riding their cocks. She just told me she knew how big they were!

God! My wife is telling me she likes their huge cocks. GOD!

Wriggling like only a woman can, she caused her clothing to suddenly drop and cover her body. Without hesitation, she turned on her heel and walked to the door and out into the bar again. When he got back to the table, she was already on the dance floor with LeRoy. Her body was so close to his that not even a playing card would have fit between them.

Her pelvis was pressed onto his so tightly that there was no difference in the movements of their hips. He could see her slender hips riding his, her body totally pressed against his thick black cock. He knew LeRoy was stiff and hard and huge, and his cock was rubbing his wife’s pussy, giving her cheap thrills as she danced in public, everyone seeing her as she allowed him to turn her on, to show everyone she was a cheap slut, to let the crowd watch her public seduction. The other dancers began to give them room as they caressed each other in mock sexual play. The crowd clapped as they titillated each other. Their eyes saw no one other than each other. Their hips grinding together, then turning back to the front, and their hands caressing each other’s sexual organs without hesitation. Those big black hands moved over his wife’s breasts, then down to her nearly naked pussy. He thought perhaps he could see her little innocent lips through the thin dress. He watched her little white hands press against LeRoy’s huge cock, clearly showing its outline under his white trousers to the crowd and to her husband. God, it was HUGE!

He had to stand to see her now, as the rest of the patrons stood around the dance floor, clapping, watching the sexual display move inexorably toward its prurient ending. His aching cock was so hard watching his beautiful, innocent wife dance like a whore in a strip bar that he did not see his best friend walk up beside him.

Erotic image by Samarel Eros

“Is that the guy she’s fucking, good buddy?”

‘Leave it to Frank, my big-mouthed asshole friend, to ruin the moment,’ Bobbi thought.

Frank never learned how to shut up, and his next statement proved it. “My god, she is hot! I have wanted to fuck her since the day I first met her. I probably could have done it a couple of times. Man, you’ve got to take better care of her, or she is going black on you fast, Bobbi!”

“Shut up you fucking asshole!” he growled under his breath. Frank just shrugged his shoulders as if to say, ‘Hey Bud, your loss!’

Bobbi suddenly realized his wife was looking directly at him, watching his eyes and glancing at the erection tenting his pants. She smiled seductively at him, then turned full frontal toward LeRoy, stretching up to kiss him with her lips while her hand publicly caressed his rigid cock through his trousers. Their pulsing bodies never lost the beat.

The band switched seamlessly into the theme song of “Dirty Dancing,” and the crowd clapped in excitement. Every single penis in the place was hard. He noticed several men begin to caress their female friends in intimate places. The women seemed to welcome their advances. Some even caressed the bulges standing beside them, not even trying to hide their erotic fondling.

She looked directly into Bobbie’s eyes again, smiling at him. She danced back, up against LeRoy’s cock. And as she danced, she began to spread her thighs lewdly, grinding her bottom against his hugeness. LeRoy’s black hand cupped her stomach, rubbing gentle circles there, moving slowly higher and higher with each motion. Her eyes held her husband’s as LeRoy’s hand moved over her breast, cupping her there in full view of everyone. His finger and thumb rolled her nipple, creasing the fabric of her white halter top as he worked her already turgid flesh to total obvisal.

The crowd sensed her eyes watching her husband, and they moved aside to allow the space between him and his wife to clear. He had a full view of her body from head to toe now, and she could see him clearly as she allowed the large, handsome black man to caress her in intimate and erotic ways as over a hundred people watched. Her eyes held his, glancing only briefly and sporadically at his bulging crotch.

Leroy’s other hand moved to her thigh as it made lewd and suggestive thrusts. Slowly, his black hand, outlined so vividly against her white thighs, moved up, taking her short dress upward, inexorably upward, toward her nakedness underneath. His chin was against her neck as he whispered into her ear. Her mouth moved in response, but he could not read her lips. LeRoy’s eyes followed hers to his, challenging him, goading him, and seeming to tell him to “Stand there and watch us as I make your little white slut wife mine, white bread.”

LeRoy sneered at him in victory; his hand caressed her naked thigh, and his thumb moved under the hem of her dress. Surely everyone could see her tiny lips now, the way her dress was riding so high up on her thighs. Although Bobbi could sense the movement of LeRoy’s blackness over his wife’s white skin, he could not bear to look at LeRoy’s hand. Bobbi continued to stare directly into his wife’s eyes as LeRoy’s thumb began to move slowly back and forth under the hem of her dress.

Frank exploded into his own fantasy. “God damn Bobbi, he is touching her fucking cunt lips! Fuck, this is so fucking unbelievable, man! Look! Your fucking wife is having sex with a black guy in public! GOD DAMN! I am so hot, I think I am wetting my pants with precum. GOD DAMN! FUCK! I bet his thumb is already inside your wife’s cunt right now, man. LOOK! His thumb has to be rubbing her goddamn cunt lips, man!”

Bobbi could not tear his eyes away from Staci’s eyes. He sensed the movement of that black hand caressing her white thighs, her breasts, and that black thumb under her dress, moving back and forth as his eyes refused to look. He could not breathe. His cock was so hard that it literally felt like it was going to explode. He knew her hand was behind her, feeling, rubbing, and caressing his bulging black cock. Her other hand was caressing LeRoy’s cheek behind her, her head leaned back on his shoulder, and her forehead was against his other cheek. Her lusting, half-closed eyes held his, evaluating his face, her lips in a slight smile, her eyes saying, “I love you, baby!”

‘Oh my god, how did this get started anyway? No question now; she is fucking black cocks. Here she is letting a black man make her the town slut, and she just watches me watch her.

Is she trying to tell me I have to stop this? Damn it, what the fuck do I do? I bet he owns her now and shares her with his other black friends. That has to be how she had so much black cum inside her.’

LeRoy’s right hand moved down, pulsing to the gritty, decadent beat, caressed her well-defined abdomen again, then moved the fabric of her halter top up, his thumb pulling it away from her sculptured belly as his left hand continued to move horizontally under her raised skirt. Staci’s hips were thrusting forward, then up, then back against his hips, then down along his hardness. LeRoy’s hand was following her movements. Each of her hip’s upward pelvic grinds was followed by his hands, but as she rode back and down on his cock, LeRoy would hold her dress up a tiny fraction of an inch further with each cycle.

“Oh fuck Bobbi! Look, I can see her fucking butt cheeks now! Look! Look at her ass cheeks rubbing his cock back there! God, his hand’s right on her fucking cunt! God damn! I never seen anything like this here before. God, I’m going to fuck her cunt full of my cum too. Shit, this is so fucking hot!”


The message still didn’t sink into the sex-riled brain of the man who HAD been his best friend.

Bobbi was mesmerized by his wife’s eyes watching him, but he could no longer hold her gaze, and his eyes fell to her body just as LeRoy’s hand cupped her naked firmness under her halter top. His thumb and finger were still visible under the fabric, caressing and rolling her nipple. Her other nipple was so hard and so erect that it created its own tent on her halter top. The silky shadow of her breasts cast by the spot light above allowed the outlined form of her ripeness to be visible to everyone there. Her free hand moved to her other breast, caressing herself as everyone watched. Her face was a mask of growing need.

Bobbi’s eyes fell further, and he watched LeRoy’s hand slowly rotate up, exposing his wife’s naked sex to his and everyone else's view. Her sex was gaping wide open in her state of extreme arousal. Her sexy little lips were spread open so wide that he could see the inner channel that led to her womb. He could see the copious wetness inside her lips. A drop formed and hung there momentarily as she danced her lewd rocking and rising motions. Then the tiny drop of moisture fell and landed, sparkling in the spot lights, on her exposed thigh.

LeRoy turned his hand, holding his middle finger almost vertically, just touching the pinkish cleft between her widely opened and swollen little opening. She moved her hips forward and ran her clittie experimentally, slowly, up his proffered finger. Her light blue eyes fluttered in her extravagant need for release. Her mouth opened, forming a perfect ‘O’ as her eyes fluttered, trying to hold Bobbi’s eyes as she rose toward her own private ecstasy.

Her thrusting, rising lewd motions continued to move her clittie up and down his black finger, her white pulsing body showing so clearly in the spot lights as her eyes continued to flutter in their struggle to watch her beloved Bobbi watch her cum in public from the caresses of her black lover. Drops of clear liquid began to run from the end of LeRoy’s black middle finger, sprinkling her thighs with small diamonds. LeRoy’s black hand cupping her breast, massaging her steel-hard nipple, her own hand touching her free nipple just the way she liked it, the black finger caressing her open sex, all this overtook her consciousness, and as she exploded into overwhelming orgasm, her wail of absolute need gripped Bobbi beyond any emotion he had ever felt before. She collapsed onto two of LeRoy’s thick black fingers that had hooked into her wet, gaping vagina. He held her unconscious body by her tit and her cunt, preventing her from falling to the floor.

Watching his unconscious wife being cradled in LeRoy’s strong black arms, Bobbi felt his own involuntary, spewing wetness soak through his shorts and trousers.

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“Is she or isn’t she?” — Cover of a Cuckold fantasy story with explicit sex art inside this ebook
Ebook cover for “Is she or isn’t she” by Deni and Samarel Eros



Hm Samarel
IR/Cuckold Avenue

"Great minds fuck alike." I am an artist/editor of erotica. Find me on Amazon: