Erotic art by Samarel Eros

My sluty wife’s surprise!

My hotwife is having a wild sex party and I was watching

Hm Samarel
IR/Cuckold Avenue
Published in
14 min readJul 7, 2024


Surprises aren’t always good, you know! And I hate being out of town so much. But it pays the rent, buys groceries, and gives us transportation. So what the hey? My wife had been planning a party for quite awhile. Then, at the last moment, I had to fill in for a man who had to go take care of his ill mother. I say “had to,” but looking back, the trip really could have waited for the week his mother was laid up.

My wife was, of course, really pissed at me. But I had promised him, and our boss had heard me promise him, and I just do not break promises. To placate my wife, I told her to go ahead and have her party anyway. I told her I would get back if I possibly could, but not to plan on it. I promised to call her if I could make the late afternoon plane. Then I forgot to take the stupid battery charger for my cell phone. You know, Murphy’s Law.

My wife is one of those people who cannot do anything half way. Unbeknownst to me until the last moment, she had planned an elaborate masked ball. It almost made me glad I couldn’t make it! Sorry.

My meetings ended a half-hour early. I tried to be ecstatic. And I tried to call on my cell phone, but of course my battery was dead. Looking at my watch, it was clear that I could not both make the flight and find a pay phone and call the wife. So I took a chance and scrambled to the airport, luckily getting to hop on the last flight and the last available seat just before the doors closed.

Murphy, God bless him, was still with me when I got to my hometown airport. My car would not start! I did everything I knew how to do, but to no avail. I had grease on my suit and up to my elbows. It took an hour for AAA to get to me and get me started. Dead battery. Like replacement dead, not “recharge it and your good” dead. I arrived home dirty, pissed off, and over a hundred bucks lighter in my wallet.

I snack into the downstairs bathroom I had recently been building just off the utility room. It was private, the shower worked, but it was not yet soundproof by any stretch of the imagination! But it sufficed to get the grease off and make me smell less automotively offensive.

I heard a number of the guests talking jovially as I showered as quietly as I could. After I shut off the water and was trying to dry off with a flimsy little hand towel, I heard my wife’s best friend giggling. There is NO way you can mistake this woman’s laugh, believe me. Then she asked whoever was with her if her husband was going to make it? My wife’s voice answered, “No, damn it! And I have just had it with his constant traveling! This party meant a lot to me, and he took this trip just so a colleague could go see his mother!”

Her friend then asked, “So you going to loosen up then, and have fun tonight?”

Shocked at the turn in the conversation, I strained to hear my wife’s answer.

“You damn straight I am! Just watch me! No one knows who is under these masks anyway, right?”

Her friend chortled that awful laugh of hers as they turned the corner and moved out of earshot.

My brain was moving a million miles an hour. I didn’t mind my wife having fun at her own party, after all. And I trusted her totally. Didn’t I? I mean, had she ever done anything to make me think she wasn’t trustworthy? I could not think of a single thing. But I still felt my bowels get queasy at the thought. I think it was the devilish way that her friend laughed as they went down the basement hallway that had me so wrought up. This house we had bought a few years before was designed and built by an architect. You know how weird that sort of house can get, right? There was a little office on the top floor that overlooked the whole ground floor, and, somehow, even a fairly large part of the basement floor.

My guilty brain told me that if I just went up to the office, I could hide out and not have to confront my wife until after everyone had gone home. Yeah, I know, I’m not good at confrontations, which is most likely why I hadn’t said “No” to my colleague and my boss regarding the damn trip.

Laden with guilt, I snuck up the stairs to my little sanctuary, listening carefully before sneaking up, until I was pretty certain no one was on the stairs for a few moments. I made it just fine, shutting the door and locking it behind me. I of course, left the light off. Otherwise, I risked my wife coming up to see what the hell was going on up there.

I slumped into my chair, wishing I could turn on my computer and check emails. But the light on the screen would have shown that someone was in the office. So I sat there bored and still a little pissed off. In a few seconds, it became obvious that I could hear many separate conversations. It also became clear that the lights in the rest of the house were turned down pretty dimly. I was not going to be able to read a book, my other favorite way of passing time.

So I turned to the only other thing I could think of. I stood up and started watching the people below me. I could hear a few snippets of their conversations. As I moved around my office, peering into the gloom below, I tried to figure out who was who. I recognized a few voices. There was our next door neighbor trying to feel up to some woman who was dressed as a German beer serving wench. Nice cleavage! But my neighbor was a cad, I already knew that! He finally got his face slapped, to which I had to stifle my chuckle.

Then, off in one of the darker rooms, I saw a couple passionately kissing! This is interesting! I could see the man’s hand slowly making its way up a brunette woman’s short skirt! The woman was not protesting or trying to shove his hand away. Soon, his hand was obviously at its goal. I could tell because the woman leaned back a bit and spread her legs farther apart. I could hear a soft moan escape her. My crotch gave a bit of a lurch. This could end up being fun, I realized.

The man slowly kissed his way down the woman’s neck and across her chest until his lips began to descend toward her still buttoned cleavage. His white hand contrasted perfectly above the woman’s black silky blouse as he slowly unbuttoned her clothing. The woman made no attempt to stop the man’s advances! I started to hope I would get to be a total voyeur and see them go all the way! That would be a first!

Her breasts were gorgeous, full, firm, and high. There was just enough light that I could see her small pert nipples against the whiteness of her creamy skin. His mouth devoured them one by one as his hand slowly worked her skirt farther and farther up her alabaster thighs.

About that time, I heard my wife’s friend’s inimitable giggle again. I tried to find my wife’s distinctive blonde hairdo. I was pretty sure that I saw her circulating, so I started feeling safe knowing that my wife was still making her impeccable social rounds.

I again focused on the couple below me. The man’s hand was already on her stomach. The woman was obviously shaved, because I could detect no hair on her sweet little naked pussy. The woman had not worn panties tonight! I could almost make out the shadows of her vaginal lips as the man’s hand slowly worked its way around her thighs and stomach, circling ever closer to his natural goal.

I heard the woman murmur, “Mmmmm, hmmm” as though encouraging him to touch her there.

He did.

The woman spread her thighs wider, leaning back farther onto the bed they were sitting on. Our guest bed was new, and we had only the week before bought the sheets and sham for it.

I had intended to christen it a few days before, but I suddenly had to make the ill-fated trip. So as I watched the couple becoming more and more closely entwined, I reluctantly realized that the privilege of its christening was no longer mine.

I quickly turned to make certain my wife was still doing her hostess duties. I saw her blond hair again as she replenished the snacks and beverages for her guests. Her mask was bright blue and seemed at odds with her shoulder length blonde hair. She had obviously been to the hairdresser that day. She looked fabulous. Even if she did have on that awful blue mask! Her blouse was a bit open at her cleavage, and I realized that from my post I could look half way down her blouse! What a pair of gorgeous knockers my wife has, I thought proudly!

Turning back to the amorous couple, I was delighted to see that the woman was now on her knees, fellating her amour. He had a very nice penis, which I grudgingly admitted to myself! Wonderfully thick, and fairly long too! I felt a bit of penis envy.

I saw my wife’s blonde hair and blue mask moving slowly toward the area of the guest bedroom as she chatted with her guests. The rumble of the conversation was now at a pleasant level. I knew that my wife would be satisfied with the turnout and how the party was going. I was happy for her.

Not wanting to miss the erotic fireworks, I turned back to the couple in the guest bedroom. The lucky woman had the man’s penis hard and wonderfully deep in her gullet. I could hear his moans now as her mouth did what every woman’s mouth should be good at. I saw him slowly remove his cock from her mouth. She seemed to resist its removal, but when he pushed her gently onto her back on the bed, she smiled widely as her face moved as though watching his erection advance toward its ultimate goal.

She reached toward his phallus, guiding it to her cleft, chuckling lightly as the man moved into position above her. I saw my wife, now standing in front of the door to the guest bedroom, still chatting with one of her guests dressed as a butcher. I was shocked to see her reach down and deliberately give his crotch a slight slap, as though sharing in a ribald joke. I would have to ask her about that!

The man’s erection was now poised at the entrance to heaven in my private little voyeuristic episode. I realized that my hand was caressing my own erection. I shifted slightly to relieve the tension, then thought better of it and unzipped myself. My penis was almost too hard to get out of my trousers! But I was able to extricate him successfully with only a little discomfort.

I watched wide-eyed as the man’s organ slowly spread the woman’s willing petals.

I saw my wife’s head tilt toward the door as if listening to what might be transpiring inside the guest bedroom. She smiled slightly as we both heard the enthralled woman gasp as the man socketed deep within her. They settled into stillness as they both stared into each other’s eyes. In the darkness, I thought I could see a slightly bemused smile on the woman’s face. I clearly heard her emit another “Mmmmmmmmm!”

I saw my wife’s mouth smile again. I decided that my wife must be in on the tryst that was occurring in our guest bedroom. It had been a long time since I had heard my wife’s best friend’s distinctive and annoying laugh. Perhaps she too was amorously tied up?

I fantasized about my wife’s brunette friend being the woman with a shaved cunt below. The man, now balls deep within her, was clearly not her husband

I was suddenly wondering if my wife was covering for her best friend! Then it occurred to me that if my wife would cover for her best friend, would her best friend then cover for my wife? I felt a tinge of worry. I resumed my masturbation as the woman again moaned softly. I heard the man’s testicles softly slapping a rhythm on her sweet alabaster ass.

My wife smiled as she listened at the door.

The couple started to make the noises of people closing in on orgasm. My eyes were riveted on the action now. Someone walked past my wife, causing her to have to say something to him. Her too wide smile seemed meant to convey that the person walking by should go on their way. The person’s hair was the sort that could be either a man’s or a woman’s. The person suddenly kissed my wife fully and passionately on her lips.

And just at that second, the couple reached simultaneous orgasms; their sounds were obvious to anyone listening within close range. I felt my own orgasm surge. Despite being shocked at my wife’s lingering kiss from the person standing in front of her. Whoever it was started to caress my wife’s bum. I lost the feeling just short of the point of no return, though my cock was still aching.

The man was still slamming hard into the whimpering woman as their orgasms lasted for an inordinately long time. I envied the man’s obvious staying power. I wondered at the amount of sperm that the man must have delivered deep into the woman’s vaginal sheath.

As the lover’s slowly stopped their activity, the person kissing my wife stooped to nestle their lips to her bosom, a hand coming up to hold her breast as the stranger’s lips delivered succulent kisses on plump flesh. The person suddenly stood back up straight, gave my wife a kiss on her forehead, and left our house. Baffled, jealous, and mildly upset, my eyes glared at the person until after they were out my front door.

I looked back down and saw that the couple were not yet done with their tryst! The man was again thrusting into the woman. What marvelous staying power he must have, I thought idly as I still fumed about who my wife had kissed with so much willing familiarity.

My wife was still listening at the door. Many of her guests were now leaving. It seemed odd to me that she was not seeing them out, telling them good night as she usually did. But then I was again becoming enthralled by the hard, deep thrusting the man was doing to the woman. It was very clear now that his testicles were slamming into her. I heard her murmur something. He pulled out of her. She turned over and got onto her knees, her chest deeply bowed toward the surface of the bed. She eagerly reached between her thighs and again guided his member into her.

He quickly resumed his punishment of her vagina. His hands reached around and caressed her breasts. I saw her rise slightly, take his hand, and crush his fingers into her titties. She moaned deeply and began to cum. He began to mash both of her breasts brutally as her sounds of orgasm filled my ears. She came for what seemed like an eternity as his hands brutally mashed her full breasts. It seemed as though the more brutally he treated her, the harder she came. He suddenly swatted her ass cheek with a resounding whack.

I was shocked to see my wife reach between her own thighs and begin to frig herself to the tempo of the couple inside the room. Several other people gathered around the door and listened to the obvious and unmistakable activities transpiring inside. Their soft chuckles drifted up to my ears as I watched the man now slamming his hips into the woman’s ass as hard as he could. Suddenly he let out a long groan of expiration, holding his hips against hers for a long time.

After a few moments, I saw his flaccid member slowly evacuate her as it slid from paradise. Strings of white were bridged between their bodies. They remained in their carnal position for a while longer, as though savoring their treasured forbidden ecstasy just a few extra stolen moments.

Finally, they disengaged and dressed. They kissed for a few awkward moments before the man suddenly looked at his watch and hurriedly left the room. He almost ran into my wife, who was still straining to hear what was transpiring.

After he was gone, my wife slipped into the room and hugged the brunette woman for a long time as they whispered back and forth. I was still stroking my cock, having been too distracted to reach my goal, despite the erotic spectacle I had witnessed. The moment passed, and though I was incredibly aroused, I knew that I would not be able to reach orgasm until I no longer had to worry about getting caught. I tucked myself away and adjusted my clothing.

Then it suddenly occurred to me. How did I suddenly appear at this time of night and announce I was home?

So I stayed in my office loft and watched my wife bid the remaining guests goodbye, then cleaned up the snacks and bottles. Finally, she turned out the lights one by one. I heard her shuffle down the hallway to our master bedroom.

I felt like a shit. Here I was acing like I was not home, had watched a couple fucking for most of the night, had watched my wife getting fresh with someone, and now I had to figure out how to make my belated appearance.

Then it hit me, THE FLIGHT got delayed! I was ecstatic!

When all the noises had finally stopped and I was certain the lights in the master bedroom were off, I waited a few more minutes. Finally, when I thought I could hear my wife’s somnolent breathing in the super stillness of the night, I slowly snuck down the stairs to the garage and made a noisy “entry.”. I called out, “Its just me, hon! Don’t be scared! The flight got delayed. Sorry!” I saw that the light in our master bedroom had been turned on. Then it went back off. I figured I was most likely in trouble.

But I crept into our bedroom, trying not to trip on the dark items strewn uncharacteristically across the bedroom floor, and undressed, then slid into bed as quietly as I could.

“You missed a good party, honey,” my wife said softly.

“Sorry, hon,” I replied, trying to sound properly contrite. I snuggled up to her backside, putting my hand around her stomach. Her mussed blonde hair tickled my nose. My previously stimulated erection returned unbidden. Hoping for a quicky, I raised my hand to my wife’s breast. I felt her stiffen when I touched her. I slowly caressed her breast, hoping to arouse her enough that she would not turn me down. I really needed a release!

My heart sank when, in just a few seconds, she murmured, “That hurts, honey. My breasts are really sensitive tonight. Just slip inside me and do what you want to do, OK?” She pulled my hand from her chest but spread her legs as she turned onto her stomach.

I slipped inside her without any sort of trouble; her pussy was incredibly slick and wet. I thought she must have enjoyed listening to the couple as much as I had. It didn’t take me long to reach my peak. Like the man earlier in the evening, I held my hips tightly against the soft flesh that had pleasured me. Then, as I softened and pulled out, the moon became bright, and I saw the distinct, unmistakable palm print on my wife’s white ass cheek.



Hm Samarel
IR/Cuckold Avenue

"Great minds fuck alike." I am an artist/editor of erotica. Find me on Amazon: