Iran Society 2.0

Or what does social websites means to Iranians

Amir All


From my perspective, Social networks are the revolution of thinking for people of 3rd world countries. But how do they do that?

Disclaimer: I’m just a really smart -and obviously narcissist- 20 years old person. I’m not an specialist in any field -except making pasta-, so don’t expect or rely on my post as it’s written by a full university professor with a tweed on.

What do Iranians need?

Right to the point: Have you ever heard of conspiracy theory? Well i guess we developed it. Almost every aspect of our policy in the last 100 years was about defending ourselves from the so called super powers of the world, starting with Russia, USA and so on, to the sweet country of France. And to be fair, they are by no mean irrelevant for some of the disasters that have been happening in Iran for last 130 years. But that’s what gives governments (and no, I’m not just referring to ours) the power to do whatever they want in the name of defending against “the big bad evil(s)”. But as much as we are not all terrorist or extremist, Americans do not shoot guns at each other on the daily bases, British people are not fat cats who rule the world, Russian’s dream is not to make every house an strip club, and Martians are not looking for human-trafficking right now.

And that’s all every Iranian needed to know to lower their defense and accept the need to go for peace. Well, I’m glad to say, We know it now. We are changing, And we are communicating to say we are here for peace. Brandon made a great effort on this matter.

So what happened?

I’m not going to talk about politics here, now. I’m gonna be more social. People started to walk into social networks. Interestingly enough they actually started by blogging,using and they moved to social networks like Facebook and twitter for instance.

And what do they find out? Well, Many more people who are just the same as they are: afraid of “the big brother”. But because of the nature of Web 2.0s people started understanding that big brother is not as big as they taught they are, and discovering their freedom without any severe fear of the big brother. And that culturally made an impact. Every year we have new generations of teens and teenagers that are completely different compare to even one year olders.


I was going to be more objective on this post. But i guess i feel more comfortable here then my previous blog on blogger.

