Iran travel tips you must know

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4 min readOct 5, 2020

Complete version of This Article : 10 Iran travel tips you must know

Your plane has landed, and now you’re in a taxi on your way to your hotel room. You’re excited and a bit scared. You’re looking out of the car, trying to take it all in. You’ve been so amazed by everything that you don’t even notice how long you’ve been in the cab. Suddenly, the driver stops. You have reached your hotel room. You take out your money, trying to pay the cab driver. But he holds his hands up, refusing to accept your payment. You’re confused. Why would a stranger — a cab driver — not want his fee?! How does he make a living then…?! The answer to your questions lies in an Iranian custom called “Taarof”.

One of the most refreshing things about traveling is getting to know other people’s way of life. With Persian civilization being over 2000 years old, Iran is a country of ancient customs and traditions. You may be amazed by some and surprised by some other. But the fact remains, there are just too many things that you might stumble upon, and we’re here to give you some Iran travel tips. So here are 10 things you must know before traveling to Iran.

1) Prepare Yourself For “Taarof”

Iranians are polite people. They learn to say “please” and “thank you” in their early stages of life. They are also very hospitable. So it’s no wonder that they have this thing called “Taarof”. Taarof is when somebody offers you something, and you reject, then they offer you again, and you accept. It can get pretty weird if you’re not familiar with this custom. Taarof is one of the essential Iran travel tips. Without knowing about it, you can end up getting yourself in awkward social situations.

Let me give you an example: you’re in a supermarket, and you want to pay. The shop keeper refuses to accept your money, saying “Oh no, it’s nothing. Please keep your money”. You shouldn’t just give up and not pay. Instead, you should insist on paying until they accept. You may go back and forth a couple of times, but that’s just the way it is. This is what Taarof is.

Taarof can happen anywhere and on many occasions. But it mostly happens when you’re trying to pay for something and when you’re eating something at somebody’s house. You may be full at the dinner table, but everybody is going to taarof more food for you. You just have to say “No, thank you” a couple of times until they finally accept.

2) Know The Dress Code

You cannot write an article about Iran travel tips and not talk about the dress code. Iran is an Islamic republic country and has its specific dress code. But don’t worry, Iran dress code is not as scary as everyone makes it out to be.

3) Download Some VPNs

Many people forget to mention this when they’re giving Iran travel tips. Some of the social media websites and apps like Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube are blocked in Iran. So, if you want to stay connected, download some VPNs in advance. Moreover, some VPNs might not work in Iran. So you must download a bunch of them just in case some of them don’t work.

There’s no need to worry if you haven’t though. When you’re visiting Iran, ask your tour operator or another local to download and install some VPNs for you. It’s an easy task and doesn’t take that long.

4) Part Ways With Alcohol

As we mentioned before, Iran is an Islamic country. As a result, alcoholic drinks are prohibited in Iran. Like anything else, you can find some alcoholic beverages on the black market. But we advise against it. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

On the other hand, Iranians have their special drinks. For instance, dough and non-alcoholic beers are very popular in Iran. And if you try any kind of Persian food in Iran, you’re likely to get offered some dough. Non-alcoholic beers come in different tastes and packaging. They are mostly served along fast-food, but many people prefer to have them with their traditional dishes.

5) Don’t Just Eat Kebabs

Kebabs are very popular in Iran. It’s the kind of food that everybody likes and is served at every wedding and all the other special occasions. But don’t just eat kebabs! Iran has a lot of different dishes; both Persian food and fast-food. Make sure to try at least some of them.

To give a sense of just how many foods and traditional dishes Iran has, know that Rasht (located by the Caspian Sea) has been designated as a UNESCO creative city of gastronomy. And that’s just one city!

So, remember to try different dishes. You might even end up falling in love with Persian food and buy a recipe book or two.

Is That All?

In short, Iran is a big country, and there are many other Iran travel tips that we can share. But we shared the most important ones. And we hope that it has helped you know Iran a little better. Of course, Iranians have other ideas about this matter. They have a saying for these occasions: “Shenidan kay bovad maanande didan?” which roughly translates to “No matter how much you read and research about something, nothing compares to experiencing it by yourself”.

Do you have any other Iran travel tips that you like to share with other travelers? Drop a comment and let us know!

Originally published at on October 5, 2020.

