Kerman Ultimate Guide | IranAmaze

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11 min readAug 1, 2020

Complete version of This Article : Kerman Travel Guide


“Aliens were here, for sure!” I muttered. “Otherwise, who could build these structures out here under the scorching sun? I mean, look at them. They’re so tall and majestic.” I looked around and realized I was talking to nobody. Where is the rest of the group? They were here with me a minute ago. I guess I became too enchanted with these alien structures.

But I stood there, small and insignificant. Compared to these Martian architectural wonders, I was only human. For a second, I thought a spaceship would hover above my head and abduct me. Not that I would mind that, anyway. “Hey, we’re leaving, you don’t want to get left behind, do you?” I heard a distant call. Hoping it was the Martians, I looked back. As the sun was going down the hills behind her, I saw that it was Sarah, my Kerman tour guide. “Coming!” I shouted and let out a sigh. “One day, I will come back to you, mysterious Kalouts of Shahdad. One beautiful day.”

General Facts

Those who travel to Iran for the first time talk about the diversity of the country, both in natural and historical terms. “Iran is a vast country,” they say to their friends, “where you can see epic desertscape, lush forests, charming beaches, and tall glorious mountains.” To know if that’s true, we recommend traveling to a unique area. Kerman province shows off the beauty of the diversity of Iran. The city of historical adobe citadels offers a lot in various forms: the mysterious Shahdad Kalouts, the verdant Shazdeh Garden, the lively village of Meymand, or the majestic Bam Citadel are among the top Kerman attractions.

Population in Kerman

The province is enormous; it is almost as big as Syria and a tad smaller than the United Kingdom. It is the largest province in the country, taking up about 11% of the country’s land. But, the population –due to the vast desert — is scattered around the area, with Kerman as the most populous city. Less than a million people live in the city, but more than two million live around the province. They’re not only Persians, but also since Kerman is located in the south-east of Iran, many Baluch and southern minorities live in the city. It’s a beautiful mix of racial diversity in the country. It’s the major point where Persians and Baluchis meet.


As with most desert destinations of Iran, Kerman has a generally dry and hot climate. If you don’t like heat, travel to Kerman in colder seasons. Yet, even in the warmest seasons, Kerman’s diverse geographical conditions provide shelter for those who seek beauty and are willing to leave the city of Kerman. Located in the south of the province, Dalfard and Rayen offer pleasant changes from the scorching heat. Both cities are home to waterfalls and green spots where you can take shelter and go on a picnic and drink tea while munching on your delicious Kolompeh, the Kermani pastry.

When To Visit Kerman

The question of when to visit Kerman depends on the type of activity you plan to do in the city. Generally, as you will read on most Kerman travel guides best time to visit Kerman is during either spring or autumn, as those are the times with the fairest weather throughout the year. But, what if you’re fascinated by Kerman’s iconic deserts and the Kalouts (as you should be) and want to experience the day and the night in the deserts? Well, what then? When to visit Kerman in that case? We generally don’t recommend visiting during summer as it gets too hot. But, if your itinerary is in summer and you can’t avoid it, the best thing to do in Kerman province is to explore Rayen and Delfard, which are cooler in hot seasons. The best periods are in the autumn as well as around the end of winter when the days are mild and the nights aren’t too chilly. You want to explore the area during the day with the help of sunscreen creams and sleep under the starlit skies during the night. It’s among the best things to do in Kerman.

History Of Kerman

Walk in the city of Kerman, and you’ll come across many historical sites, especially around the bazaar and the famous Ganjali Khan complex. Built during the Safavid dynasty, more than 400 years ago, these places were once filled with merchants from faraway lands and buzzing with business talk. But Kerman’s history is way older than that — going as old as 3100 BC with Jiroft Culture, which was a Bronze Age agricultural culture in the south-east of Kerman province.

Heart Of The City

Located in the center of Kerman’s historic neighborhood, the Ganjali Khan complex is among the most beautifully architecturally ornamented buildings of the city. The complex consists of a square surrounded by the bazaar, a mosque, and a quaint and picturesque caravanserai with many nostalgic shops. The caravanserai is one of the most photogenic Kerman attractions. Walking into the complex, many small surprises may come your way. You might hear the sound of music coming from a small shop, making traditional instruments.

Kerman’s Economy

When Marco Polo visited the city in the 13th century, it was a major trade center. It produced high-quality cashmere wools and other textiles. Nowadays, however, Kerman is known for a different product: delicious pistachios. Kerman’s economy is dependent on this precious nut, and the city is the largest producer in Iran and the world. If possible, try to put visiting a pistachio garden in your Kerman day plans. They are mostly located in the northern parts of the Kerman province. It’s among one of the best things to do in Kerman.

Kerman’s Souvenirs

Aside from memories of Kalout and the extraterrestrial-looking deserts, or the mental images of the quaint architecture in the Ganjali Khan complex, there are many more materialistic things to take home from Kerman. Let us name a few examples:

  • Cumin

When walking in the city, either shopping in the bazaar or having a meal in a traditional restaurant, the smell of cumin fills the air. So, why not buy some to take home, to use the smell as memorabilia, as a way to remind yourself of Kerman? With a strong taste and smell, cumin is one of the best products of Kerman.

Real-life fact

‘To take cumin to Kerman’ is a famous Farsi saying. Locals love to throw the phrase around whenever there’s a chance. So, what does it mean? The English equivalent is ‘to carry coal to Newcastle’. Basically, it means doing something unnecessary, superfluous and useless. You wouldn’t turn on the sprinkler when it’s raining, would you? The same way you wouldn’t take cumin to Kerman since the best ones are produced in Kerman.

  • Pistachio

Another Kerman attraction is the pistachio harvested in the surrounding regions, especially in Rafsanjan. Iranians love to have pistachio in their traditional snacks, like the famous Bastani Sonnati, or in their pastry or anything edible! Significantly, most of the pistachio produced in Iran (and the world) comes from Kerman province.

  • Pateh

In terms of artistic souvenirs, coming second after the celebrated Kermani carpet, Pateh is a great option to purchase while having your Kerman day plans. This traditional folk art is a type of needlework that is mostly produced by skillful local women. It can be used as shawls, cushions, curtains, and even coasters.

  • Carpets

Kerman carpets are among the most prized carpets of Iran and are mostly weaved in the southern parts of Iran. They are famous for their high-quality material, various creative designs, and great tensile strength. Kerman carpets have been sold in the traditional bazaar since the 15th century, and visiting these shops are among some of the most interesting things to do in Kerman.


Kermanis are usually a relaxed and easy-going group of people. Having lived in the desert for so long, they have learned not to take life too seriously and enjoy their time. They are adaptable to difficult situations, and while the country may be going through a crisis, they remain still. A riot may rise up in Tehran, the capital, and the political center of Iran, protesting against something they don’t like about the government. You ask a Kermani what they think about the situation, they will say that they prefer not to think of it much, not taking any extreme positions (we’re over-generalizing here, of course).


Iran’s diversity of religious minorities showcase in Kerman. Although mostly Shia Muslim, Kerman is home to a significant number of Iranian Sunnis who have lived alongside the Shia majority in harmony for a long time. Being next to Sistan & Baluchestan — an area where the majority of its populations are Sunnis — explains the existence of these groups. But, and more interestingly, there has been a rather small but racially notable Zoroastrian community in Kerman.

Read More: Iranian Religion

Its people are known for

Known for the humility and traditional ways of living, people from Kerman are also famous for being present in high-ranking political positions of Iran’s government. Some families, like the Rafsanjani and Marashi families, are among the most influential ones of the Islamic Republic. Additionally, people from Kerman are in the current Iranian government, working as ministers or members of the cabinet.

Art and architecture

Kerman lives in traditions: art and architecture survive in the city as the air does. Walk around in the historical parts of Kerman, and you’ll be surprised by how many architectural wonders you may come across. A small mosque, a traditionally-designed house, or a narrow alleyway leading for a mysteriously dark entrance of the bazaar: Kerman’s historical parts showcase the best of Iran’s traditional art and architecture. Walking in the bazaar, you might see a Pateh workshop. These needlework products were first produced here and are the main products of Kerman.

Additionally, Kerman province is also home to two of the biggest and most majestic adobe citadels of the country: Arg e Bam and Rayen castle. The first one, Bam Citadel, is a UNESCO World heritage that was tragically devastated in a 2003 earthquake. But it has been rebuilt since. The second one, the mudbrick castle of Rayen, is located around the Hezar Mountain, about 100 km south of Kerman. It’s a deserted adobe castle and one of the best locations for an extensive historical photography session!


Travel to Kerman, and you will travel within. It’s a city for pondering, mulling over your past decisions, and thinking about your identity. Kerman does not invite you for an adrenalin-rush experience; it asks you to sit down and drink a cup of tea while you watch the people come and go in a traditional Iranian teahouse. The city used to be more traditional, your Kermani friend will tell you. Slowly, but surely, it has lost some of its historical side to modernity. Traveling to the city of Kerman alone will probably not satisfy you if you’re in for the all-around experience. You have to explore the region: The Kalouts, the citadels, the waterfall, and the farming fields call you; get your backpack and peace of mind ready.


It’s the afternoon. You’ve had a long day of walking and exploring the cities top attractions, based on your Kerman travel guide. You reach the famous Ganj Ali Khan Square; You look around. An older man is closing his shop and going for the siesta break in the afternoon. He sees a traveler standing at the end of the square, with a backpack as tall as the person wearing it. The traveler is you. He walks towards you. It’s the famous Iranian hospitability. After the routine “welcome to my country” and “how do you like Iran?” question and answers, he asks, in broken in English, whether you need help or not. You’re thirsty, but you’ve had enough tea. Your Farsi is more broken than the older man’s English. But you know the word Chai, which means tea in Farsi. You say that. He shows you a store, only twenty meters away from where you’re standing. It’s time to chill in the sherbet house. The older man says goodbye, and another welcome to Iran, and walks away towards his home. You, as well, walk toward the sherbet house; traditional herbal drinks are waiting for you to fix you up. You can’t wait.

Main Areas For Eating, Shopping, Hanging Out

As with most historical cities in Iran, bazaars are the main areas for eating and hanging and, of course, shopping. Located in the heart of town, Kerman’s bazaar is a great place to explore. Head over to Vakil Tea House while you’re in the bazaar for amazing food and traditional drinks.

Sus1952, Palmerston North, New Zealand

This is a beautifully restored hamam with lovely decor. There was live music playing when we were there, which was very good.

Top Places To Visit In Kerman, And The Best Things To Do In Kerman

Ganjali Khan Complex

Stories of the glorious past reveal themselves to you as you walk around the complex. Named after and built by a popular governor who ruled Kerman for more than 20 years, Ganjali Khan Complex is the architectural heart of the city. A mosque, a traditional school, a beautiful caravanserai, an ornamented bathhouse, a water-reservoir called Ab Anbar are parts of the complex. They’re all located south to the Vakil Bazaar of Kerman, which runs through the center of the city, east-west.

Paula G, London, United Kingdom

The main bazaar for the city of Kerman the complex houses shops & stalls selling all kinds of wares from exotic spices through copper works, a host of antiques, knock-off goods of every shape & size, and even knives & knuckledusters!! For a break from the crowds pop into the restored bathhouse where travelers stopped for much-needed cleansing after a hard day on the Silk Road. Recently opened too is the women’s bathhouse behind with displays of the colorful costumes sported by the women that congregated here from all over the Persian Empire.


A lifestyle on the edge of extinction, stories in caves, an ancient village, and a UNESCO Heritage: Meymand is a forgotten city with a myriad of anecdotes ready to unfold to those who are willing to listen.

Kalouts of Shahdad

They are mysterious places, these deserts. Elon Musk would re-consider traveling to Mars if he saw the Kalouts. I mean, why would one spend billions of dollars to go to another planet, when you can create a similar experience right here in Kerman for less than a thousand.

Gardens: Shazdeh and Fath-Abad

In a desert-y background, where the sand goes as long as the eye can see and more, what could be more refreshing than visiting lush green gardens of Shazdeh and Fath-Abad. These are the stories of these gardens. Formerly, a small palace for a Qajari prince, now the Shazdeh Garden is a great place for a romantic evening.

Aidin V, Mississauga, Canada

[Shazdeh] is a real Persian garden with very nice waterfalls and fountains. Flower pots which are located around the central pool and long trees distribute nice smell. Furthermore, sound of water is the best music and dreamy.

Citadels: Bam and Rayen

Adding to the diversity of Kerman attractions are the historical sites of Bam Citadel and Rayen Castle. Each located in their respective cities, these citadels showcase the richness of history and culture and older ways of living in Kerman. Arg-e Bam, the largest adobe building of the world and list on UNESCO as world heritage, was sadly hit by a big earthquake in 2003.

The complete version of This Article: Kerman Travel Guide

