Top Places to Visit and the Best Things to do in Kashan, Ultimate Kashan Travel Guide

Seyed Mohammad Mohsen Besharat
Published in
5 min readMay 3, 2020

Tabatabai House & Sultan Amir Ahmad Bathhouse

Kashan is the city of quaint homes. One of the unmissable parts of the town is its traditional houses neighborhood, which is on Ameri Street. They are listed on almost all Kashan travel guides. Visit Tabatabai House to be amazed at the Kashan’s extremely delicate artworks showcased in everything related to the house. It is a historic museum house built during the late 19th century. The stucco work, the mirror work, the andaruni and biruni of the house, the three windcatchers, they all showcase extremely refined art of Kashan. Close to Tabatabai House are some other hidden gems like Borujerdi and Abbasi Houses. Also, visiting Sultan Amir Ahmad Bathhouse is a pleasant experience. Turquoise and gold tilework and Iranian fresco work adorn the interior of this bathhouse. But wait, there’s more! You can take a walk on its roof, which, with glass domes to let sunlight into the bathhouse, and have a panoramic view of Kashan and its historic part of town.

Jaleel419, from the UK, on TripAdvisor

Architecture, tile work and decoration all inspire the mind and senses. Two levels and a basement full of rooms including stained glass and roof structures keeping you looking in all directions to take each minute aspect of this architectural and artistic masterpiece.

Fin Garden

A UNESCO-registered Persian Garden, Fin Garden is an amazing Kashan attraction. It used to be out of town, but now, as Kashan grew bigger and bigger, is, currently, a part of it. Fin Garden is a retreat from Kashan’s deserty-ness. Its complex water-system and old cypress trees don’t show any sign of being close to one of the biggest deserts in the Middle East. You should try to avoid Fin Garden on holidays, especially Nowruz. It usually gets crowded.

travellingmonkey89, from the CA, on TripAdvisor

Every city/historical place in Iran has a garden but this has to be the best one. Everything here is so natural and just gives our peaceful, calm vibes. The water comes from a natural spring underground and is moved through “pumps” that don’t use an mechanization — Pascal’s Law way before it was called Pascal’s Law. The artwork here in pristine and detailed. This with the backdrop provides great photo opportunities. We spent 1 hour here and bought rose water outside this place because Kashan is known for it.

The Fin Garden is the oldest extant garden in Iran.

Tepe Sialk

Close to the more-famous Fin Garden, lies a historical and archaeological gem, Sialk Hills, which goes back to a mighty 7500 years. Archeology enthusiasts will wonder at Sialk’s extremely sophisticated culture. You can see some of the artifacts found in the site, at the main entrance. However, many more have ended up in the Louvre museum in France. Available at the site are also two 5500-year old skeletons, excavated and encased in glass for one to wonder.

Sialk Hills carry stories from 7500 years ago within themselves.

Aqa Borozrg mosque

One of the most beautiful mosques of Iran, Aqa Bozorg, is a combination of Islamic and Persian architecture. Tiled minarets, series of arcades alongside each other, and the mud dome are all signs of typical Islamic architecture. While the central garden and the towering windcatcher showcase the best of Persian architecture. Believe it or not, there’s a volleyball court in the back yard of the mosque. Go check it out; some people may be playing and looking for an extra player!

There is serene and peaceful energy to the historical mosques in Kashan.


Known to have existed for about 2500-years, this village is a living museum. With more visitors than inhabitants, Abyaneh is one of the must-sees of Iran. Abyaneh is located in the northwestern part of the Karkas Mountains range, about an hour’s drive away from Kashan. Abyaneh looks like it has been taken off from history, as though nothing has changed for the past 200 years. Houses in Abyaneh are made with red-clay, making them unique in the whole region.

The whole village is full of red clay walls that make you reminisce of romantic feelings and love.

Kashan’s Bazaar & Aminoddole Caravanserai

In the city center of Kashan, there lies another city called the bazaar. An extremely local place, Kashan’s bazaar reveals the culture and the lifestyle of Kashan effortlessly. Walking through its tunnels, you can find pieces of Islamic-Iranian architecture everywhere. The bazaar is home to all sorts of shops and traditional workshops, including weaving, metalworking (copper), and carpet stores. Aminoddole Caravanserai, perhaps the grandest plaza in the bazaar, is one of the great places to visit in Kashan, hang out, have a cup of chai, and look at the beautiful works of art and be amazed.

travellingmonkey89, from the CA, on TripAdvisor

You are literally walking through history and can imagine firsthand what it was like to walk with your caravan through this old building. What makes it “wow” is trying to find all the “domes” in this bazaar. They are intricate and detailed and great photo opportunities. Take an easy stroll through this place when you come back from a day of sighting seeing in Kashan.

Maranjab desert

Feeling adventurous? Then get your tent (or rent one!) and head to Maranjab desert in the north of Kashan. Maranjab looks precisely like those sand dunes you’ve seen in movies, and that is why visitors (locals and foreigners alike) are hanging out in this desert. Don’t forget to include the Salt Lake in your Kashan day plans. Creating a campfire and sitting around it while having chai and looking up at the stars can be one of your best memories you take back home from Iran.

Niasar & Qamsar

Kashanis have many retreats when they want to escape the heat. Two of the favorites are Qamsar and Niasar, villages that lie in the proximity of Kashan. Unlike Abyaneh, Qamsar and Niasar are less-known with the foreigners. The best time to visit these two villages is in spring when the rose fields of Qamsar have just bloomed, and the waterfall in Niasar has the most water.

The underground city of Nushabad, Oyui

Very close to Kashan, there is a small town called Nushabad. About ten years ago, an oblivious resident was digging for sewage ditch when he realized that the ground under his feet was empty. This is how then found out about the entirely unknown underground city of Nushabad. Now a major tourist Kashan attraction, the tunnels inside the underground city, are so narrow that you have to leave your backpack at the entrance.

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Seyed Mohammad Mohsen Besharat
Editor for

MBA student in Iran University of Science and Technology , Digital Marketer