IranUnchained v2 User Guide

Published in
6 min readNov 5, 2023

Grantee Help Documentation

Welcome to the IranUnchained v2 Grantee Help section, where we’ll guide you through the process of creating a project on our new fundraising platform powered by blockchain technology (Ethereum). To get started, follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Creating a Project Profile:

Before initiating the grant application process, it’s essential to establish a profile for your organization. Gitcoin calls it a “project” but you can think of it as your “profile”. This profile lets us recognize you as a grantee within our platform and allows you to submit multiple grant applications.

Getting Started

  1. Access the Homepage—Begin by visiting our platform’s homepage —
  2. Connect Your Wallet with Metamask—This wallet will serve as the owner of your grant, so choose it wisely.
  3. To learn more about getting started with MetaMask, check out their guide:

Notes on Account Creation

  • You will not be able to change the project owner wallet later on.
  • If you lose access to your owner wallet, you will not be able to update your profile or apply for additional grants.
  • If your owner wallet is hacked, the hacker will control your profile.
  • You will need a small amount of ETH to create a project.
  • Please follow security best practices around cryptocurrency and internet usage when funding your wallet and creating your profile.
  • Please review our IranUnchained Opsec Guide! (English, Farsi)

Creating Your Project Profile

  1. Now that your account is set up, you can start building your project. Click on “New Project” again in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Select the Ethereum network for your project. Click on “Next”

Fill Out the Project Details

Complete the provided form with detailed information about your organization.

Note — You will be able to update your project profile later on.

Click here for an example of a well prepared project profile.

For Project Description, we recommend answering the following questions:

  1. What is your group’s mission?
  2. Who are the key members / supporters of your group?
  3. How long has your group been active?
  4. What are your notable accomplishments to date?
  5. Where can people go to learn more about your group?
  • Note — Please be careful only to reveal what you feel safe revealing.

When you’re done with the project profile input, click on “Next”.

Don’t forget to provide your social media information. Click on “Next”.

Preview Your Project Profile

  1. Carefully review all the details of your project. Preview your project to ensure everything looks correct.
  2. When you’re satisfied, click “Save and Publish.”

Pay Registration Gas Fee

  • Pay the gas fee from your wallet to publish your project on Ethereum.
  • After completing the payment, you’ll be redirected to the home page.

Submit a Grant Application

Once your grantee profile is set up, you can proceed to create a grant application and apply to open the application within our platform.

Note — You will not be able to update your project profile later on. This is to protect against grant applications being accepted as official by IranUnchained, and then changing or erasing their info. If there is information about the grant application that you may want to update, please include it in your project profile, which can be edited (your project profile will also be displayed in full below each of your grant applications).

For groups that need to update or remove their grant applications, please contact our support. We can manually hide your grant application upon request, and you can post an updated one as needed.

Getting Started

  1. Apply for a Grant—Click on “Apply” to initiate the grant application process for IranUnchained.

2. Select Your Project—Choose the project you wish to apply for a grant.

3. Complete the Application Form

Grant Application Form

Click here for an example of a well prepared grant application.

We recommend answering the following questions in your grant application:

  1. What is the purpose of the grant?
  2. Who are the primary beneficiaries of the grant funds?
  3. How much money do you hope to raise?
  4. How will you spend the funds you raise? What if you raise more or less than you expect?
  5. Has your organization been successful executing on this kind of grant before? What gives you confidence in your ability to fulfill the grant?
  • Note — Please be careful only to reveal what you feel safe revealing.

Once finalized, click “Preview Application.”

Note for Grant Applications to benefit Iranians inside Iran

If your grant application is intended to benefit Iranians inside Iran, US donors may not be able to donate directly due to US sanctions against Iran.

However, through our IranUnchained NGO, we can raise funds from US donors for certain cause areas that are exempt from US sanctions:

  1. Humanitarian Aid — food, shelter, medical supplies
  2. Internet Freedom — technology to support Iranian internet access
  3. Pro-Democracy — communication tools to promote freedom of expression & political coordination

If we accept your grant application as “official”, we can work together to fundraise for your grant from US donors through the IranUnchained NGO, and we can create a donation link for US donors specifically to add to your project profile (see the well prepared application example above).

Note on the Donation Wallets section

Post cryptocurrency wallet addresses where you want to receive donations.

Make it clear which blockchains and currencies you prefer. For example:

  • Bitcoin (BTC) — bc190210…
  • Ethereum (ETH, USDC, DAI) — 0xabc…
  • Tron (USDT) — 0xdef…

It is strongly encouraged to use separate donation wallet addresses for different grant applications, even under the same project. This practice is critical to keep funds intended for different purposes separate. For grants hoping to be approved for “official” status, having unique donation addresses is required.

Review and Submit Your Application

  1. Review the details you’ve provided in the application form.
  2. Click “Submit” to send your application.
  3. Sign the Contract and Pay Gas Fee—Sign the contract and pay the associated gas fee for your application to be created.

Check Application Status

  • Visit to find your application listed as a “non-official” application.
  • Note — Your application will be publicly visible and able to receive direct donations even if it is never officially approved. You will still be able to share a direct link to your application.

Application Approval Process

Your application will undergo a review process and, if approved, will become “official” and highlighted in the “official” section of the website.

If you wish to expedite your grant application process, or have questions, please contact our support!

Support Contact


Twitter (DMs open): @UnchainIran

Thank you for choosing IranUnchained v2 for your fundraising goals!

