Is Vancouver ready for a new seed fund?

Summary of my meetings with investors and founders

Max Khalkhali
GEX Ventures
2 min readMar 18, 2019



We’ve been investing in Vancouver tech since 2015. In addition to the many organic reasons to be optimistic about a thriving local tech scene, our strategy of investing in seed-stage startups founded by Global entrepreneurs with an Iranian background meant that we needed to have a strong presence here.

The talent movement from Iran to the US and Canada and to a lesser extent the UK has become a cadence since the early 90s. The educational system back home has consistently produced high quality academic and junior tech talent. We provided funding support so this talent can turn into a globally competitive entrepreneurial force.

Movement of Iranian talent

With a recent relocation to Vancouver, I started thinking about launching a seed fund in Vancouver. I met many local investors and founders and asked them this question:

Is Vancouver ready for a Silicon Valley style seed fund?

The short answer: NO.

No more seed funds please!

I grouped the reasons into two:

  1. Culture
  2. Liquidity

Culture includes: conservative culture of the potential LP base here; laid back work culture and a preference to build tech startups rather than financial ones.

Liquidity includes: lack of quality deal flow; lack of large exists (hence capital and talent recycling) and lack of tangible value-add of a seed fund for investors given the management fees and long fund cycles.

What do you think?



Max Khalkhali
GEX Ventures

Disciplined outlier driven investing through VC networks