Meeting recap

Iratel Ventures Breakfast Series #18

Max Mahyar
GEX Ventures
3 min readSep 4, 2017


Breakfast Series #18 attendees

We hosted a gathering of local and global entrepreneurs, investors and active ecosystem players at Iratel Ventures Breakfast Series event last Thursday. In this session we did a recap of the last seven sessions and discussed the format going forward.

We divided the group into six groups of five and spent ten minutes to discuss the format and agenda for the next few sessions. As our breakfast events are community events getting this feedback from the attendees was quite valuable.

Group discussion in progress

Our own recommendation was to have functional series, so invite attendees based on their job roles CEOs, CTOs etc or network based, we have 12 different groups that we track and capture data for, so we could use those ones.

Some of the suggestions from the teams were as follow:

  • Format — First let’s do breakfast and 1 minute intros and networking, have freedom to move around. Second half of the program have the discussion without the breakfast serving interruption.
  • Case Studies—Let’s do case studies and present here. Maybe bring a content writer.
  • Mentors — Have a session for mentors, training for the trainers, initiate the iLab mentor program.
  • Methodology — Startups don’t have any method. Teach these methods. The chain of startup building.
  • Experience Sharing — Invite guest speakers with industry knowledge/expertise, 30 minutes skills based presentations. If the speaker is announced in advance then it will be more useful.
  • Speak about failures — Invite entrepreneurs who would like to share their experience of failure.
  • Share the list of attendees — The day before share the list with the group attending so attendees can check each other’s LinkedIn profile in advance and get connected better.
  • Have an earlier start time — This didn’t go down well with the rest of the attendees!

The next event will be held on Thursday 28th September. From our next event our Breakfast series will be held in iLab — our new innovation centre located on the 7th floor of Iratel tower.

We believe the more open the dialogue, the better it will allow innovation and bringing different disciplines including investors together. These series were started to increase the dialogue opportunities among ecosystem players and especially to bridge the gap between those who are willing to know more about Iranian startup environment and meet up with other ecosystem players. This will increase openness and transparency.

Finally, if you’d like to be added to the breakfast mailing list, please sign up or follow us on LinkedIn.

This is the eighteenth in a series of posts about Iratel Ventures Events. We’d love to hear from teams with crazy (but commercial) startups. Get in touch or attend our breakfast series. Finally, don’t forget to get your IV Score to prepare for your next VC meeting.



Max Mahyar
GEX Ventures

Tech, Finance, healthcare, photography, design, pro-peace, traveling, Iran, improve the world (ツ) Partner @Iratelventures - Max is the machine Mahyar is the man