The Messy Middle

Trading time for money, and money for time

Max Khalkhali
GEX Ventures


The start to finish journey and the messy middle, credit

As I experience building startups with world-class teams, I am becoming more aware of the messy middle. I longed to experience this messy middle and it is teaching me valuable lessons about people, myself and life in general.

The concept of the messy middle is well captured by Scott Belsky in his book of the same name. He talks about how society shows up mainly for the start and finish but doesn’t tend to remember all the ups and downs in the middle which are the parts that truly count.

I had read ‘The Messy Middle’ before starting my company, and now, as an entrepreneur, I am revisiting it with a fresh perspective. I find myself noticing different insights this time around. Surprisingly, despite the wealth of business wisdom in the book, I was particularly drawn to a chapter near the end titled “We are so willing to trade time for money when we are young, and money for time as we age”.

When you’re building a company, time seems to fly by so quickly that everything becomes a blur. The early days, filled with stress and often devoid of immediate results, can skew your perspective, making money seem more significant than time. This is the messy middle and the only way to get to the other end is to experience and endure it.



Max Khalkhali
GEX Ventures

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