Disrupting the €390bn charity industry thanks to the Stellar Blockchain

Irene Energy
Irene Energy
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2018

Irene Energy’s token, Tellus, was designed to do micro-payments of electricity bills.

In the Western world, Irene Energy seeks to use those micropayments to track the intermittency of renewable production and hence to offer disrupting value propositions to consumers and producers alike: by introducing radical transparency in the electricity supply industry and by giving to consumers, for the first time, a true means to express their consumption preferences. And hence, to potentially turn it into the next organic food industry.

How does it bring transparency and empowerment? Because on the Stellar blockchain transactions are verifiable, public and happens directly and frictionlessly (in fraction of a second and nearly at 0 cost) between payers and payees.

We then had two joint realizations:

(i) Micro-payments of electricity bills can also definitely find a very powerful and positive application in Africa

(ii) The verifiable and public nature of blockchain-based transactions could be very disruptive in the Charity industry

And that’s how the Irene Energy Africa project is born.

Irene Energy Africa is about equipping families in Africa with smart plugs and allowing Western donors to directly top up the Tellus-accounts linked to these smart plugs.

That way, Western donors pay directly — in an absolutely intermediary-free manner — for the electricity bills of the families they want to support. And can monitor how the money is subsequently spent — shall they wish to.

For the African side of the equation, the end objective is to create sustainable local ecosystems that will eventually help to electrify the continent. The smart-plug system (that allows to stop consumption when the linked Tellus account is empty) will give local energy micro-entrepreneurs a sound financial rationale to invest in local distributed energy sources. Donations will help families light themselves, charge their phones, start businesses… As soon as donations aren’t necessary anymore, families can top-up their account themselves and truly pay-as-you-go for their electricity (on a micro-payment basis).

Irene Energy answered a call for proposals by UNICEF with this idea.

We are now looking forward to hearing from UNICEF but are already looking for partners to grow the initiative. Its positive impact is potentially tremendous. Its impact on the demand for Tellus is huge too: which would in turn help self-finance the initiative.

Please contact us if you are interested to get involved or to know more about Irene Energy Africa!

Kind regards,

The Irene Team



Irene Energy
Irene Energy

Powering a sustainable future with the world’s first clean and green token