Be empowered with Irene, your new renewable energy supplier

Irene Energy
Irene Energy
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2018

We are witnessing the emergence of social consciousness combined with a will to be empowered, at a global level. People are experiencing an overall disappointment over politics, reflecting its inability to tackle numerous social issues. Industrial lobbies exercise a growing influence through sponsoring and their involvement in many supposedly independent bodies, association or even regulatory entities. This means that we cannot rely on the system to guarantee our safety or even the quality of information. Be it, the food we eat, the drugs doctors prescribed or the cars we use, there seem to be no end to how industries are manipulating us to consume their products and services. Yet, technology has stepped in to provide us with real information from within the supply chain or the corporate experience. Leading to the creation of communities led by common interests or experiences. Individuals and consumers are making their voices heard and are becoming a real force for change in the world.

From the consumers who have deleted the Uber App from their phone following the claims of sexual assaults by drivers or corporate sexims to the ones leaving the French leading electricity provider due to high prices, poor service and dirty electricity; all point to an opportunity to enact change through our consumption choices. Individuals no longer rely on our legal system or regulation to make things right. They do not wait for the courts to sanction a company with monetary fines or for regulatory bodies to enforce higher standards. They simply make a different consumption choice and stop funding companies whose values are no longer aligned with theirs.

This movement of empowerment is inherent to Irene’s mission. Irene is a renewable energy supplier powered by the stellar blockchain and artificial intelligence. The blockchain, through its micro transactions, provides unparallelled traceability. For the first time, as a consumer, you are guaranteed that the money you spend on electricity goes to the local renewable energy producer you have selected. You choose what type of green energy you want to pay for and where it is produced. Until now, electricity providers frequently sourced green energy by buying green certificates. The power to select the type of energy and its location was resting with the electricity provider, who had no incentives to reward local producers or any particular type of energy. Irene’s consumers are getting their power back. They now have a real say in their own energy consumption and in their country’s local and national energetic transition policy.

The Irene team

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Irene Energy
Irene Energy

Powering a sustainable future with the world’s first clean and green token