The Orlando Shooting: All Politics Aside

Irfan Kovankaya
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2016

Although in an ideal world tragedy would never occur, when it does, the best and worst is brought out in all of us. Following the Orlando shooting, I witnessed mourning, ignorance, and bigotry. But above all I witnessed a community put aside differences to come together in support of one another. Judgment was replaced with purpose. By “community” I’m not referencing Orlando specifically. Yes, the people of Orlando showed massive strength. But I’m referring to something so much broader. I’m referring to a community that transcends race, religion, sexuality, and political affiliation — humankind.

The LGBTQ community suffered terrible loss that day, but even greater the world suffered a loss that day. Regardless of sexual orientation, 50 innocent lives transcend the gay community into our wider global one. They’re our friends, coworkers, employees, and bosses. We too often place people into categories, yet human beings are far too complex to be categorized. Defining people solely by their sexuality doesn’t do a person justice and only dehumanizes them. It allows us to forget, making it easy for us to place them into the category of “other.” And when we view people as the “other”, we too quickly forget that they’re just like us with thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

After the shooting I witnessed multiple individuals be placed into the “other” category. Disdain for Muslims and the Arab world only grew. But we weren’t the only community. I couldn’t help but realize how gays — the victims — were still being targeted by those, who even in the wake of such a tragedy, couldn’t put aside bigotry for humanity. Tragedy revealed the true colors of those I’ve known since kindergarten. Many came together while others drew apart.

As always, party politics quickly came into play. Cries from the left for gun control were muffled by those on the right. Such large talk was followed by little legislative results. Attempts to pass even basic gun control legislation were immediately blocked. Apparently it’s common knowledge that everyone, including the mentally ill, need assault rifles capable of firing hundreds of rounds per minute. Infamous Washington gridlock only expedited.

Do you know who put aside ideology for action? The people who had the biggest excuse to discriminate and demonize — the victims. When some, including those in Washington, chose to try and divide us, demonizing the Muslim community, Orlando did just the opposite. They came together. The Florida branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations raised $50,000 for the victims in just two days. The Christian ownership of Chick-fil-a provided free food for those who donated blood. Muslims and the LGBTQ community took the stage together during vigils following the shooting. And civilians lined streets to donate blood to the victims.

If multiple communities within Orlando who are seemingly so different can come together, why can’t politicians?

