Top 5 Best Bearish Investors

Brian Schardt
Published in
2 min readMay 3, 2022

#1. Michael Burry

Burry Stock Tracker:

Michael Burry is most famous for his prediction of the 2008 housing bubble collapse and is featured in the hit movie, The Big Short. This was not the first time Burry had bet against the market, however: in 2001, the investor shorted overvalued tech stocks at the peak of the internet bubble, leading his firm Scion Capital to outperform the S&P 500 by nearly 70%.

#2. Ray Dalio

Dalio Stock Tracker:

Ray Dalio was famously quoted as saying “You can’t make money agreeing with the consensus view” His contrarian style of investing allowed him to predict and act defensively regarding several market drops, including the housing crisis of 2008. He is a powerhouse investor running the largest hedge fund in the world.

#3. David Tepper

Investor David Tepper is said to be the sole reason Goldman Sachs survived the 1987 market crash. Tepper saw the crash as an opportunity to purchase bonds of the financial institutions crippled by the economic collapse — when the economy recovered, the bonds soared in value.

#4. Marc Faber

The man rallied against popular opinion to forecast Black Monday in 1987, the Japanese bubble in 1990, the gaming stock crash of 1993 and the Asia Pacific Crisis of 1997. Other predictions and lamentations of his can be found in his publication, The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report.

#5. Jesse Livermore

Livermore took huge huge short positions before the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the Wall Street Crash of 1929. Many of his bold moves are considered legendary today — in a time where analysis was a largely new concept, breaking away from market sentiment and public opinion was far less common and far riskier. And yet, Livermore’s biggest and riskiest moves paid off in full.

Due to uncertain times here is a way where you can copy bearish investment strategies:

Brian Schardt

