Bianjie Joined the IEEE SA Corporate Program and Participated in Developing Blockchain-related Standards

2 min readDec 4, 2020


Recently, Bianjie is recognized the involvement in IEEE Standards Association as a corporate member and contributes to develop blockchain-related standards.

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA), a globally recognized standards-setting body within IEEE, has developed standards in a broad range of industries and has a wide range of influence all around the world. International enterprises such as Apple, Cisco, Google, IBM, etc. are also corporate members of IEEE SA.

Based on advanced blockchain and big data technologies, Bianjie is experienced in the interchain services, privacy computing, blockchain innovative products and solutions with leading research and development capabilities.

Recently, Bianjie joined IEEE SA as a corporate member. Taking fully advantages of technical innovation and application capabilities, Bianjie actively participates in developing standards related to blockchain and interoperability to make contributions for a healthy blockchain industry.

About Bianjie

Bianjie (Bianjie.AI) is a Shanghai-based high-tech startup founded in 2016. By leveraging advanced blockchain and big data technologies, Bianjie focused on blockchain innovative products and solutions for financial and healthcare industries. Bianjie is the Core team behind the development of IRISnet — an interchain service hub for next-generation distributed applications, and is also one of the main open-source early contributors of the Cosmos network project. The team recently developed an enterprise product, a consortium blockchain called IRITA, which uses IRISnet iServices as well as privacy computing technology. Through IRITA, Bianjie is serving important customers in China, including provincial/state level blockchain platforms such as BSN, leading Internet healthcare service providers, and leading insurance service providers.

Bianjie was officially certified as “China National High-Tech Enterprise” in September 2019 and won several national technology awards including the 2018 Excellent Enterprise Award of “China Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition” and national championship in Young Startup Group at CDHIC (China Digital Healthcare Innovation Competition).

