First Month of Mainnet Live—IRISnet 2019 March Update

3 min readApr 17, 2019


This is the third update of IRISnet in 2019. IRISnet is designed to be the foundation for next generation distributed business applications. It is a BPoS blockchain, built with Cosmos-SDK, that enables cross-chain interoperability through a unified service model. You can find more details about IRISnet here.

👉🏼TL; DR

  • IRIS mainnet was successfully launched on March 1st 5:30 GMT, reaching ~40,000 block height within a month. Around 90 active validators is on the network, the average BP time is ~6.7s, and the delegation rate is ~26%.
  • Rainbow App released; 153,000 IRIS airdroped to 8,000+ new users.
  • Exclusive interviews with major blockchain media, sharing the values of IRISnet as interchain service hub, Cosmos open architecture and double hubs of Cosmos ecosystem.
  • Cosmos & IRISnet Mainnet Launch Party was hosted on March 31th; the CEO of Wanxiang Blockchain Xiao Feng delivered the opening speech.

👉🏼Technical Updates

IRIS Mainnet

  • IRIS mainnet was launched at 5:30, March 31th GMT with 58 validators participated. The genesis block produced at 5:35 marked the birth of the first self-evolutionary BPoS blockchain.
  • The mainnet run smoothly for a week by the date of March 8th, with the block height of 92509, 77 validators and 12.7% bonded tokens.
  • The block height hit 100000 at 7:27, March 8, 2019.
  • By the end of March, the mainnet has run smoothly with the block height of 392595, 90+ active validators, 6.7 seconds of average BP time and ~26% bonded tokens.

🔗IRIShub & Cosmos -SDK

  • Query interface for profit added.
  • Pagination params for lcd validators query added.
  • The init value for metrics reset.
  • Validator existence and status checked before getting its pubkey.
  • The memory leakage of Tendermint p2p solved.
  • Size limit for transaction in Tendermint added.
  • IRIShub v0.13.0-rc0, v0.13.1 released.

🔑Rainbow Wallet

  • Rainbow App officially released. It’s available to download Android APK package / IOS EE through official website.
  • Current version supports creating/managing IRIS mainnet address, transaction and withdrawing.
  • It’s available to check the information of validators and delegate the tokens to them to share some rewards. More info here.
  • To further protect your digital assets, you are recommended to use cold wallet and watch wallet. More info here.


  • IRISplorer for IRIS mainnet released.
  • Transcation display of SetWithdrawAddress fixed.
  • Display of bonded rate and other datas on home page optimized.

👉🏼Community Updates

Launch Party in 📍 Shanghai

On the last day in March, Cosmos & IRISnet Mainnet Launch Party was hosted in Shanghai. The CEO of Wanxiang Blockchain — Dr. Xiao Feng, who is the pioneer of Chinese blockchain industry, delivered an opening speech for this memorable event. He congratulated the launch of Cosmos and IRISnet Hub which opens a new era of blockchain technology applications.

🙌 Official channels:




Built with Cosmos-SDK, IRISHUB enables cross-chain interoperability while providing modules to support distributed business systems.