HBTC Chain & Ti-Labs established a strategic partnership to jointly facilitate the Cosmos ecosystem

IRISnet Blog
Published in
4 min readDec 9, 2020

On December 9, 2020, HBTC Chain announced that it has reached a strategic partnership with Ti-Labs to jointly develop the ecosystem of Ti-Labs. This strategic partnership will promote the sharing of resources, technological exchange, blockchain application, industrial development, and promote the ecological development of Cosmos.

Ti-labs is initiated by KuChain and IRISnet which fully mobilizes the resources behind different projects and shoulder the responsibility of enlightening the whole Cosmos ecosystem, including the concept inspiration, technical support and resource sharing. Ti-labs gets its name from “titanium”, a material needed to make spacecraft such as rockets. In the future, Ti-Labs will share and integrate project R&D, ecosystem development and other aspects by holding regular technical meetings, and finally provide forward-looking guidance for the future development direction of each project.

HBTC Chain is positioned as a “Heterogeneous Cross-chain DeFi Public Chain”. Its Testnet has been successfully launched on 20 October 2020 and is functioning well and the Mainnet is expected to be released very soon.

HBTC Chain is further optimized and customized on the basis of Cosmos and Tendermint. From the perspective of blockchain security, technological innovation and user convenience, HBTC Chain uses breakthrough innovation based on cryptography technology to provide cross-chain support combined with elliptic curve digital signature, zero-knowledge proof and trusted multi-party computing cryptography tools to achieve cross-chain asset custodian with private key generation in a distributed manner and mandatory signature across all consensus nodes. In the whole process, the private key is completely invisible and is kept separately in fragmentation on different consensus nodes. HBTC Chain supports N*N cross-chain model which supports complete chain & chain data interoperability. Where cryptography is concerned HBTC Chain is theoretically compatible with all mainstream public blockchains and with all major cross-chain schemes as well.

With HBTC Chain joining hands with Ti-Labs, the two sides will carry out in-depth cooperation at many levels:

Jointly facilitate the Cosmos ecosystem

With further development of the cryptocurrency market and the outbreak of DeFi, the need to improve asset liquidity and solve performance constraints of a single blockchain system is increasingly strengthening, and cross-chain has also become a race track. The initiator of Ti-Labs, IRISnet, is highly involved in the development of Cosmos/IRISnet, and established Cosmos China community to promote interchain technology since 2017; KuChain, the co-initiator, innovated and reformed the Cosmos technical framework to fully serve the decentralized financial scene, and contributed the financial resources and experiences; Whereas HBTC Chain, as the new member of Ti-Labs, had its development including Cosmos gene at the very beginning. It has chosen the Tendermint as the underlying framework based on Cosmos and conducted a lot of advanced development, thus realizing the new cryptography based decentralized cross-chain mechanism. Collaboration between the teams involved would allow technology applications to land more quickly and would undoubtedly facilitate Cosmos’s ecosystem expansion.

Incubate projects

Ti-Labs promises to assist, support and incubate projects carrying Cosmos gene sequence. Cosmos ecosystem participants will get the adequate support provided by Ti-Labs for commercialization and industrialization. The integration of HBTC Chain can provide further technical support for Ti-Labs projects in terms of cross-chain asset transfer, on-chain stable-coin, DEX, user applications and developer tools, among others. Thus, to help the projects to overcome technical issues and achieve better development through technical consultancy and collaborations with the Labs.

The momentum towards a tech- and eco-development-oriented future is unstoppable. The partnership between HBTC Chain and Ti-Labs will facilitate a blossom Cosmos ecosystem, rich resource of project incubation and strong capability in tech innovation, which will further not just benefit the participants of Ti-Labs, but the whole industry.

About KuChain

Built on Cosmos-SDK, KuChain aims to better serve an array of DeFi applications by innovative functionalities and modules including multi-asset, account ID system and auth tree. Contributing its born-with resources to the Cosmos ecosystem, together with the unique and native Liquidity Sharing Protocol (LSP), KuChain is able to respond to trading queries with high concurrency and frequency. Via its creative on-chain developing incentives, KuChain encourages developers to implement hard-core tech innovation on a long-term horizon. Elsewhere, via initiating Ti-Labs and by the means of IBC and Peggy protocols, KuChain targets to strengthen the Cosmos dev-community and ultimately to complete the Cosmos DeFi application layer.

About IRISnet

IRISnet (a.k.a IRIS Hub) is an Interchain Service Hub designed to support the next generation of distributed applications. Built with Cosmos-SDK, IRIS Hub enables cross-chain interoperability through a unified service model, which supports not only token interchain transfer but also trustworthy data consumption and computation invocation across heterogeneous systems. IRIS Hub is the first self evolutionary blockchain launched in the Cosmos ecosystem. IRISnet dev teams include Bianjie, a national award-winning blockchain technology team based in Shanghai, and Tendermint, the world-famous team that created the Tendermint consensus engine and the Cosmos project.

About HBTC Chain

HBTC Chain, positioned as a “heterogeneous cross-chain DeFi public chain”, is an important part of the decentralized financial layout of Binhe Group at the beginning of its establishment in 2018, and is also one of the three core businesses of Bluehelix Group. The main functions and application scenarios include cross-chain asset bridge, OpenDex protocol, and OTC solutions for on-chain assets.

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IRISnet Blog

Built with Cosmos-SDK, IRISHUB enables cross-chain interoperability while providing modules to support distributed business systems.