How To Join IRISnet Testnet : Fuxi-7000

Happy validating

Sophie Huang
IRISnet Blog
3 min readDec 28, 2018


At Dec 28, IRIShub dev team released version 0.9.0. This new version upgrades dependency to Tendermint v0.27.0. There are the following


  • Use iristool to replace the original irisdebug and irismon
  • iris init must specify moniker


  • Optimize the way tags are displayed
  • Add iriscli stake delegations-to [validator-addr] and /stake/validators/{validatorAddr}/delegations Rest interfaces
  • Application framework code refactoring
  • Add a new mechanism to distribute service fee &tax
  • Support querying slashing history in slashing module
  • Add new types of governance proposal: TxTaxUsageProposal & SoftwareHaltProposal
  • Export and import blockchain snapshot at any block height
  • Redesigned software upgrade procedure
  • Add block gas & block size limit
  • Improve tx search to support multiple tags
  • Improve the default behavior of iris —- home
  • iris tendermint show-address output begins with fca
  • Restrict the number of signatures on the transaction
  • Verify validator private key type and reject the unsupported private key type
  • Upgrade tendermint dependency to v0.27.0

Steps To Join Fuxi-7000

The full doc is here.

  • If you have joined IRIS testnet before and still want to use the same home folder again, kill iris and remove data of Fuxi-6000
iris unsafe_reset_all
  • Install IRIShub v0.9.0 with the following guide
  • Create your own account if you don’s have one

This account acts as the corresponding validator operator for yourself.

iriscli keys add {account_name}

You can get the account information, including account address, public key address and mnemonic. The address and public key are all bech32 encoded.

account_name local faa13t6jugwm5uu3h835s5d4zggkklz6rpns59keju fap1addwnpepqdne60eyssj2plrsusd8049cs5hhhl5alcxv2xu0xmzlhphy9lyd5kpsyzu
**Important** write this seed phrase in a safe place.
It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.
  • Initialize your node

Initialize the configuration files such as genesis.json and config.toml

iris init --home={path_to_your_home} --chain-id=fuxi-7000 --moniker={validator-name}

This command will create the corresponding files in the home directory.

  • Download Genesis and Config Files

Replace genesis and config file in $IRIShome/config with the ones from testnet GitHub repo:

  • Start your node

Now start your node and catch up with your peers.

iris start  --home={path_to_your_home}
  • Upgrade to become a Validator node

First, you need to make sure that your account balance is not zero. You can always get some IRIS by using the Faucet. The faucet will send you 10IRIS every request, Please don't abuse it.

Once you have created your own address, please then you could use this account to stake as a validatord. The following command is used to check the balance of your account:

iriscli bank account <ACCOUNT> --node=http://localhost:26657

Then you need to make sure that your validator node is synced

iriscli status — node=tcp://localhost:26657

You should also be able to see catching_up is false.

You need to get the public key of your node before upgrade your node to a validator node. The public key of your node starts with fvp, it can be used to create a new validator by staking tokens. To understand more about the address encoding in IRISHub, please read this doc

You can find your validator’s pubkey by running:

iris tendermint show-validator — home=<IRIS-HOME>

Next, use the output as pubkey field for iriscli stake create-validator command:

iriscli stake create-validator --amount=10iris --pubkey=<pubkey> --moniker=<moniker> --fee=0.05iris --gas=2000000 --chain-id=fuxi-6000
  • Confirm Your Validator is Running

Your validator is active if the following command returns anything:

iriscli status — node=tcp://localhost:26657

You should also be able to see your power is above 0 if your bonded toke is in top 100. Also, you should see validator on the Explorer.

To learn more about how to monitor your validator status and edit its info, read this link.

Testnet Incentivized Tasks

The IRIS network will keep generating value when its validators could keep the whole network secure. With incentivized testnet, IRIS foundation wish to discover qualified validators and give them opportunities to earn IRIS tokens

  • Fuxi-7000 Task List:

You could submit the proof of your completed task in this link: .

Fuxi-6000 incentivized testnet tasks results are available here

