IRIS BEP20 Contract Update: Audit Completion and Multi-Signature Committee for Enhanced Security

IRISnet Blog
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2024

We have taken steps to enhance the security and transparency of the IRIS BEP20 contract. A contract audit has been completed and a multi-signature scheme has been implemented. These updates strengthen defences, ensuring asset safety and integrity.

Completion of IRIS BEP20 Contract Audit

The IRIS BEP20 contract underwent a thorough audit conducted by CertiK, whose team of expert auditors meticulously reviewed every aspect of the IRIS BEP20 contract to identify potential vulnerabilities, loopholes, or weaknesses that could compromise its integrity or expose it to exploitation by malicious actors. The audit process was exhaustive, and the resulting report, along with its findings and recommendations, has been publicly released.

Implementation of Multi-Signature Scheme

In conjunction with the audit completion, we have introduced a multi-signature scheme to augment the security and governance framework of the contract. The formation of a 5-person committee and the subsequent transfer of the Owner role to the corresponding 3/5 multi-signature wallet signify a proactive approach to decentralized decision-making and risk mitigation.

Outlined below are the key details of the multi-signature committee and wallet:

Contract Addresses:

Participating Wallet Addresses (3 out of 5 required for signature):

  • 0x3C1A0E4b0bC441F07636308ad54A69dC14EF1E51
  • 0x2e9D523d48c12d818F10Eb91374d3DC273E9cf38
  • 0xee3383d789Eb38161A54DC4dA04E8c77F33f7E39
  • 0xa7651C9EE5AD948dDD19a5652023Cd88bb28c452
  • 0xFc862b5dcC2B986c1DcFa6eAc9FD6561fBF497dC

Transaction Hash for Owner Change:

This multi-signature scheme ensures that significant decisions regarding the IRIS BEP20 contract, such as ownership changes or major transactions, require approval from a predefined quorum. Decentralizing control among multiple parties mitigates the risk of single points of failure or malicious actions, fostering a more resilient and secure ecosystem for all participants.

Last but not least, for users holding the IRIS-D88 (BEP2) token, prompt migration of assets to BSC is encouraged. Detailed migration pathways to IRIS BEP20 have been outlined in a previous blog post, ensuring a seamless transition for all users.



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