IRIS Foundation Launches Tech-Grants Program to Accelerate the Development of the IRISnet Interchain Ecosystem

IRISnet Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 28, 2020

Dedicated to accelerate the development of IRISnet interchain ecosystem, the IRIS Foundation launches the Tech-Grants program to fund developers, teams and projects that contribute to the innovation and prosperity of IRISnet and also the whole ecosystem.

At present, the IRIS Foundation has launched many support programs to facilitate the healthy development of the IRISnet interchain ecosystem, such as the Community-Centric Delegation Campaign. In addition, the foundation also attaches great importance to the technology development and infrastructure building.

Therefore, IRIS Foundation now launches the Tech-Grants program to better support outstanding developers and provide a friendly development environment, so that developers are able to fully devote themselves into technology development, further igniting the sparks of innovation and accelerating the prosperity of the community as well as the whole ecosystem.

Grant Scope

The scope of this tech-grants program mainly focuses on technology development and infrastructure building, which can include but not limit to:

  • DApps (e.g. leverage Coinswap, HTLC, iServices to build your applications on IRIS HUB)
  • Tools (e.g. i-Service tools)
  • Modules of IRIS SDK
  • Protocols (e.g. cross-chain, consensus, privacy computing)


How to apply

*IRIS Foundation reserves all rights for the final interpretation.

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IRISnet Blog

Built with Cosmos-SDK, IRISHUB enables cross-chain interoperability while providing modules to support distributed business systems.