Latest in IRISnet — Community Update in July

Sophie Huang
IRISnet Blog
Published in
5 min readAug 13, 2018

Dear friends:

This is the fifth update of IRISnet. IRIS network is named after the Greek goddess Iris, said to be the personification of the rainbow and the faithful messenger between heaven and humanity. IRISnet is designed to be the foundation for next generation distributed business applications. IRISnet will enhance Interblockchain Communication(IBC)protocol of Cosmos to introduce a service-oriented infrastructure into ecosystem to support more efficient building distributed business application chains. It will make services interoperable across blockchains: public, consortium & legacy systems.

Technical Updates

To kick off, our development team has been working on upgrading of Rainbow wallet and the team was proud to announce the opening of Fuxi Testnet.

Fuxi Testnet Update

In Q2 2018, we introduced our first testnet: Pangu. Pangu was a basic Proof-of-Stake blockchain built on Cosmos-SKD. The development team released IRISHub v0.2.0 at Jul 16. Fuxi-1002 was open for all community members to join. And we invited several community members to join Fuxi-1002 testnet at Jul 25.

  • IRIShub Light-client Daemon Improvements

Light client allows devices with only limited computing ability and storage like mobile phones, to receive proofs of blockchain state from any full node. Full nodes have no way to make up fake blockchain state and lie to light clients, since the latter are able to verify any cryptographic proofs they received. Thus light clients do not need to trust any full nodes.

  • IRISHub Monitor
IRISHub Monitor

With the help of IRISHUB Monitor, IRIS Network validators can get the status and evaluate healthy condition of their own nodes in a convenient and visual way. The parameters you can inspect include OS resource, network connection, participation of consensus, etc. IRISHUB Monitor is based on Prometheus and Grafana framework.

You can read more about Fuxi in this Post:IRIS Testnet Updates: Codename Fuxi

New Wallet Release

IRISnet team has been working along with Cosmos team to complete the implementation of Inter-Chain-Standard, or ICS for short. The related specification could be found on GitHub: Link.

The implementation of cold storage would leverage the security of Rainbow. And you could expect to use Rainbow to store large amount of crypto assets soon. You can read more about Rainbow in this post: Rainbow Wallet Alpha Release V0.5.

New Faces

Welcome our new Product Manager: Jiazheng Xu
Majoring in Information Management and Information Systems, he has 8 years of working experiences in IT industry. During these years, he has lead the design of core trading system and private equity clearing system of NOAH’s public fund, and the futures trading system of digital currency exchange of UCF Group, and has participated in designing the CFETS-accessing project of bank’s capital management system, earning rich experiences on Internet finance and product design and unique insights on new technologies and trends of internet.

Welcome our new QA Engineer: Shilei Wang

Shilei has 6 years experiences of technological development and software testing. During the previous years,he has worked as a senior test engineer, with over 3 years experiences of automated test framework development. Moreover, he has rich experiences on developing Android system, familiar with java, python, go, selenium, automated test framework, and test tool development. Based on these testing experiences, he has obtained great capabilities on risk identification and risk control.

Welcome our new Public Relationships Staff: Kedong

Kedong used to be a writer of IYIOU, focusing on blockchain and AI. And she has also worked on Internet financial venture capital in XINGHE Capital. In addition, when she served as the PR manager in YAO FACHE, she designed the column of “Crazy Candier” and executed several online debates and jury activities about blockchain.
Personal works: the first dystopian science fiction about blockchain “TOKEN 2030”

Welcome our new Public Relationships Staff: Yujia Peng

Yunjia graduated from Donghua University majoring in network engineering, and then got her MTI(Master Degree of Translation and Interpreting) from China University of Petroleum (Beijing). During previous years, she has participated in many operating works in some famous companies such as Qunar and New Oriental. Moreover, she has involved in writting, translating and reviewing 11 books including Studies on English News and Studies on American Society and Culture, all of which have been published.

Join IRISnet

We are hiring! We are actively looking forward to bring more people to build IRISnet. We’re actively looking for programmers with experience in distributed system, front-end development, and product manager. Please send an email to if you feel you can contribute to the promising network!

Business Partnership

Meetings with Fosun

On July 25th, Fosun ( one of the biggest healthcare conglomerate in China) Healthcare Cloud team and Bianjie team reviewed interim progress of the joint work on Fosun BEAN which focuses on building privacy preserving trustworthy healthcare data exchange. Based on the collaboration of Bianjie and Fosun, Fosun BEAN aims to realize searching, exchanging and analyzing the trusted data through the blockchains backed by IRISnet i-Services.

Listed as 2nd core development team of Cosmos Network

In early July, IRISnet development team was listed as the second core development team on Cosmos website, besides Tendermint.

Investre Partnership

In early July, the strategic collaboration between Investre, a Wall Street Backed Crypto Finance Ecosystem, and Bianjie has been reported on Nasdaq. IRISnet will facilitate the implementation of distributed business applications by introducing a service infrastructure and protocol overlay for the Cosmos technology stack, the most awaited cross-chain value transfer mechanism.

To learn more about IRISnet or to discuss technical aspects of our project, feel free to connect with us in any of our official channels below:




