Phase-1 of IRISnet’s DeFi & Interchain Testnet Bifrost has successfully ended on Jan. 6

IRISnet Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2021

Phase-1 of IRISnet’s DeFi & Interchain Testnet Bifrost has come to an end on January 6, which was a sparkling journey where iService, Oracle, Record, NFT, Random modules were tested, and the dApp developments were supported. Soon afterwards Phase-2 will be launched to test more innovative functions and support the operation of more applications.

Before we step into the next phase, let’s spotlight what happened in Phase-1!

Incentivized Tasks

In the Phase-1, Bifrost Testnet has provided various innovative functions, including:

•Interchain Service (iService)
•Interchain Record

Accordingly, there were a variety of incentivized tasks of different difficulty degrees in the Phase-1, such as creating, binding, requesting, responding to service, and issuing, editing, transferring, burning NFTs and so on.

During this phase, 166 developers were attracted, 144 developers were qualified, and 96 among qualified ones succeeded to create validators and then participate in the incentivized tasks. Also, based on the difficulties of tasks, the rewarded badges had 3 degrees, and 1331 badges were awarded in Phase-1, including 90 Gold badges, 364 Silver badges and 877 Bronze badges, so the completion rate of tasks reached up to 92.4%. Thanks all the developers for the active participation and excellent performance!

As the only task of the Gold degree, participants responded to the Service(iService)request 90 times in total, only 6 developers failed in this tricky task. Meanwhile, the completion rate of the Sliver degree tasks is pretty high; for example, all the participants succeeded to creat the Service definition. In addition to the Interchain Service related tasks, developers highly engaged in others as well. They accomplished 84 times of editing NFTs, 89 times of transferring NFTs, and 91 times of issuing NFTs. It can be checked in the Bifrost IRISplorer that there were more than 8,000 NFTs minted during this phase. Certainly, tasks about Oracle, Record and Random were also accomplished perfectly, and the Phase-1 come to a successful end as a result.

By carrying through these tasks, participants were able to understand the operation of Interchain Service, try out functions such as issuing NFTs and become familiar with the new modules, helping developers accumulate much experience.

Summary of Phase-1 Tasks

More details about the results of Phase-1:

dApp Developments

Besides the testing on irishub infrastructure and functions, Bifrost Phase-1 as the advanced blockchain network for the developer community also provided the testing environment for the dApp developments. Therefore, many developers built applications in this phase as well.

For instance, StarryMedia, the partner obtained grants from the IRIS Foundation, developed NFT-based e-ticketing application during Phase-1, and has issued and minted at least 5,000 to 6,000 NFT tickets on Bifrost testnet, well-preparing for the application launch and operation in the next phase.

Bifrost IRISplorer:

Developer, much appreciate your active engagement.

Phase-2 of Bifrost Testnet is about to launch with NEW incentivized tasks, MORE testing functions, and MORE applications supported to be developed and operated, please stay tuned!

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IRISnet Blog

Built with Cosmos-SDK, IRISHUB enables cross-chain interoperability while providing modules to support distributed business systems.