Rainbow Wallet Adds the NFT Badge Feature

IRISnet Blog
Published in
4 min readMay 18, 2021

On May 18, Rainbow Wallet released v3.5.0 and launched a new NFT Badge feature, which is the 1st NFT function live in Rainbow, supporting the display and reward redemption of NFT badges. NFT badges will be widely utilized in various IRISnet related activities, such as testnets and community events, to further enrich the IRISnet’s NFT ecosystem.

What’s the NFT Badge

Then, what is the NFT Badge? The badge represents the reward and remembering for certain honors or events, while NFT Badge is to mint badges as NFTs that can be stored on-chain. Relying on IRIS Hub, the NFT Badge can not only have the same commemorative significance as ordinary badges, but can be securely stored, easily displayed and transferred. All these things make this badge feature and meaning more valuable.

Two Core Functions of NFT Badge

This new added NFT Badge feature mainly includes the display and reward redemption two core functions.


In this latest version of Rainbow Wallet, there is a new Badge icon on the right side of your total assets on the homepage, where you can access to use the NFT Badge feature.

Figure 1. Access to NFT Badge Feature

*All the figures below are taking the Bifrost Testnet badge for example.

When you click on this Badge icon, if you have not owned any NFT badges, there will be a notification informing “No Badges”; While if you’ve already had NFT badges, then your NFT badges will be displayed in order, as Figure 2 shown.

Figure 2. NFT Badge List

In addition, you can access to Badge Details page by clicking on any badge in the list; Also, if you click on the thumbnail image on this page, the NFT badge image with its unique ID will be displayed on the full screen, as Figure 3 shown.

Figure 3. NFT Badge Image Display


If you have certain NFT badges, you are able to keep them as a symbol of honor, and also you can choose to use them to redeem corresponding rewards within its designated redemption period.

When you click on a [Unredeemed] badge, the details such as ID, Name, Level, Value and Status of this badge will be displayed as Figure 4 shown. Also, you can redeem rewards by clicking on the [Redeem] button at the bottom of this page.

Figure 4. Badges Details

When you finish the redemption process, you will receive corresponding rewards in your Rainbow Wallet, and the status of the badge will change to [Redeemed].

In addition, you are able to check the recipient, sender, network fee and other transaction details by clicking on [View Details] button, as Figure 5 shown.

Figure 5. Redemption Transaction Details

Usage Scenarios

Regarding NFT, IRISnet core development team has a large number of technical achievements and accumulation. For example, IRIS Hub is the 1st mainnet in the Cosmos ecosystem that supported NFT function; Uptick App that launched on IRISnet is the 1st enterprise-level NFT application in the Cosmos ecosystem, covering digital collectible cards and event e-tickets.

The new released NFT Badge feature in Rainbow Wallet will become one of the important NFT operation tools, to support NFT as a kind of honor that can be retained and displayed for a long time on-chain or to be redeemed to rewards, which can fully support the development and flourish of IRISnet NFT ecosystem.

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