StaFi and Coinswap Will Team Up to Introduce rATOM into Cosmos Ecosystem

3 min readJun 22, 2021

StaFi and Coinswap have teamed up to make their networks and assets more fully compatible with each other. StaFi and Coinswap will work together to introduce the brand-new asset rATOM token, the staking derivative of ATOM, into Coinswap, and launch related co-incentive programs for the liquidity providers.

StaFi (short for Staking Finance) is an open-source and the first DeFi protocol for unlocking liquidity of the staked assets, allowing users to stake PoS (Proof of Stake) tokens through StaFi to get rTokens in return. Users can use rTokens for trading and, at the same time, earn staking rewards. StaFi protocol encompasses 3 layers for a better experience of the traders and the users- bottom, contract, and application layers.

This partnership unlocks the following 4 parts:

rTokens Swapped on Coinswap

Coinswap will list StaFi’s rATOM tokens so that the Cosmos ecosystem users could directly swap the staking derivative rATOM token, the brand-new interest-bearing assets, on Coinswap, the DEX of Cosmos cross-chain Ecosystem. And rIRIS tokens will also be considered in the next development plan and to be listed on Coinswap in the future. This is of great meaning for both StaFi and Coinswap.

Co-incentive Programs on Coinswap

StaFi will work with Coinswap to launch co-incentive programs for the liquidity providers of rATOM on Coinswap. StaFi will add generous FIS tokens into the reward pool, to reward the Coinswap users.

“Doubled” Rewards

Since rTokens are minted after users staking, users can get “doubled” rewards on Coinswap if they are using rTokens: liquidity farming rewards for providing rTokens’ LP token and PoS staking rewards after rTokens redeemed

Improving Security for IRIS Hub & Cosmos Hub

As Coinswap provides liquidity farming functions, tokens staked and tokens in farming pools need to be balanced to provide high DeFi incentives while keeping PoS network safe. StaFi enables a new way by providing staking derivatives that users can still stake their native tokens (ATOM, IRIS, etc.) and use the rTokens to be swapped and farmed on Coinswap.

About StaFi Protocol

StaFi is the first DeFi protocol unlocking liquidity of staked assets. Users can stake PoS tokens through StaFi and receive rTokens in return, which are available for trading, while still earning staking rewards. FIS is the native token on StaFi Chain. FIS is required to provide security to the network by staking, pay for transaction fees on the StaFi chain, and mint & redeem rTokens.
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About Coinswap

Coinswap is built by the core development team of IRISnet. With cross-chain AMM as its core feature, Coinswap is dedicated to providing a vanguard innovation platform for DeFi applications in the Cosmos ecosystem. Coinswap has the ability to support multiple “coins” and cross-chain protocols, and also be combined with functions like NFT and oracle.

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