Unlocking Metaverse with WenChang Chain NFT Use Cases

Newly-Launched NFT Applications on WenChang Chain

5 min readFeb 8, 2022

WenChang Chain was launched in February 2021 as one of the first chains comprising BSN Open Permissioned Blockchains, and has supported nearly 20 applications, covering cultural artworks, digital identity, videos, digital music, and other areas.

Based on the robust interchain NFT technology and convenient BaaS platform, WenChang Chain has brought diverse NFT implementations. For instance, the NFTs as digital twins to fine art Chinese paintings were transferred from WenChang Chain to Ethereum through TIBC protocol for the first time. BSN has also introduced many use cases on WenChang Chain in details in Seven NFT Use Cases You Must Know on BSN OPB and Discover Use Cases on BSN IRITA OPB — WenChang Chain.

The NFT innovation has been and will continue to be the primary focus of development. On January 25, BSN launched the BSN Decentralized Digital Certificate (BSN-DDC) Network, a network architecture dedicated to Non-Fungible Token (NFT) adoptions in China, and WenChang Chain is among the first batch of OPBs providing technical support to the BSN-DDC Network. Meanwhile, WenChang Chain will soon feature a productized NFT technology platform, which will comprise a friendly application management console, and an open and efficient API for rapidly developing distributed business applications (DBApps) using NFT technology.

Facebook recently changed its name to Meta, and NVIDIA and Microsoft are developing their own metaverses. It’s not difficult to discover discussions about the metaverse exploding, whereas NFT technology, particularly NFT use cases, is critical for completely unlocking the metaverse. WenChang Chain, with its native NFT capability, enables applications to access the Metaverse by providing technological and platform support. Along with the aforementioned applications, the WenChang Chain has a slew of newly launched NFT use cases, taking us one step closer to the Metaverse.

Now, let’s meet these NFT newborns on WenChang Chain!

1. DAW Digital Property Rights Exchange Platform

DAW Digital Property Rights Exchange Platform is a platform for the circulation of copyright digital assets geared toward the cultural industry. It was developed by China Hainan International Culture and Artwork Exchange (HNICAE).

The platform will use blockchain technology to secure copyright digital assets such as intellectual property, products, and digital rights, thereby resolving the challenges associated with the authentication, protection, and circulation of artworks. To explore and implement a new format for artwork digitization, the platform aspires to establish a bridge between Chinese traditional culture and the global diverse cultures, while also providing a means of international circulation for Chinese fine art.

2. Yishu Port

Yishu Port is a digital art platform created and operated by the “Beijing Cultural and Creative IP Development Platform”, which is built by culture departments in China including the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism and the Cultural Heritage Bureau. In collaboration with “Beijing Design Week,” Yishu Port develops cultural and creative digital IPs in cooperation with renowned designers, museums, and art galleries, using WenChang Chain NFT technology.

On January 25, 2022, Yishu Port announced that the first animation NFT blind box of white tigers in China will be officially launched on Chinese New Year’s Eve. Additionally, owners of the NFT blind box will have the opportunity to engage with Beijing Wildlife Park’s young white tigers in person.


3. Shucang China

With WenChang Chain as its blockchain infrastructure, Shucang China is a digital collection exchange platform launched together with BSN-DDC network. The platform offers digital collection creators and collectors a one-stop services including minting, exchanging, exhibiting and social interaction.

To promote traditional Chinese culture communication, Shucang China combines digital art with Chinese culture and launches ten digital collection series of “the best in China” to let Generation Z experience the beauty and culture of China in digital form.

4. Dayou Treasure

Dayou Treasure, which operates on the basic logic of NFT technology, provides art artists and consumers with digital display space for their artworks and collections. With the mission of “connecting our love,” Dayou Treasure wants to bridge the virtual and physical worlds through blockchain NFT technology, and further establish a platform for creators and fans to interact and communicate.

5. The Tenth Art

The Tenth Art focuses on digital music and also takes into account other types of high-quality creative IPs. By utilizing NFT technology, The Tenth Art prioritizes copyright protection for each individual piece of digital music, allowing users to enjoy music while also safeguarding the rights of both creators and consumers.

Apart from new NFT applications, there’re diverse events held by applications during the Chinese Spring Festival.

For example, Dayou Art collaborated with artist SANTU SONG to launch the activity to celebrate the Year of the Tiger, bringing 9 blockchain-based digital collections. Users can explore blockchain treasures using AR, NFT and other technologies offline in Shanghai, and users who find the NFT treasure will also receive preferential access to the SANTU digital world as a “metaverse pioneer”.

Also, China News Bookstore will distribute 10,000 “Because I Believe” NFT Digital Artwork Certificate (DACs) to readers utilizing WenChang Chain NFT technology, allowing readers to step into the shoes of heroes from various eras and comprehend their choices, as well as experience the power of faith.

*WenChang Chain provides blockchain technology and infrastructure for the above applications.
*All the contents and pictures are from application operators and the Internet.


