How to manage and use DEV Receiver

Iroiro Official
Iroiro Social Token🎨
4 min readJun 15, 2021

What is DEV Receiver and how it works

First of all, DEV Receiver is a new service of distributing tokens provided by DEV Protocol through their web service called They’ve got a variety of OSS projects on the platform so that users can choose and support OSS by staking “DEV”. As you support OSS and hold DEV, both you and the owner of the OSS can receive DEV as a reward. In addition to that, the owners of the OSS also get “Property Token” which is to show that they have the right of receiving DEV as well. This Property Token is only for the developer and owner side, not the supporter side.

This DEV Receiver system maintains and manages a pair of tokens, newly issued Community Tokens and Property Tokens. So that we have a secure system for not only developers, but the whole users being able to receive DEV by burning Community Tokens.

You can withdraw DEV from the link down below.

*For those of you who would like to issue a community token or have any questions about creating a community token, feel free to drop us a message via Twitter DM.

How to withdraw DEV

A simple way of withdrawing DEV

Now, we are going to show you how to withdraw DEV in a very simple way. The first thing that you are going to do is to reference a page of your pair tokens which is your Property Token and Community Token, on the DEV Receiver webpage. One thing you need to make sure is that you are connected with a wallet that you own your community token to reference the page.

Once it’s done and you become eligible to withdraw DEV, you should be able to start the process of withdrawing DEV by clicking the button “WITHDRAW REWARD” from the “Reward” section.

In order to withdraw DEV, a certain amount of community tokens needs to be burned with your approval, so you are going to need to choose the amount of community tokens that you want to burn to withdraw DEV. Once your approval is completed, you are able to click the “WITHDRAW REWARD” button to get your DEV.

How to maximize your DEV that you can withdraw

In this DEV Receiver, you can also withdraw DEV that is stored in the DEV Receiver contract. So if there is still some amount of DEV that you could withdraw on, you might want to withdraw them to the DEV Receiver. This is how you efficiently maximize the amount of DEV that you can get when you burn a community token.

However, by executing this process, a transaction will occur and gas fee will be charged, so please check out the amount of DEV very carefully. If you want to recharge your reward DEV that you just got from this process to DEV Receiver, you can simply do it by clicking “CHARGE REWARD” and you are all set.

For the owner of Property Token

In the case of using a wallet that you made your Property Token with, the following operations are executable for the owner. (Make sure that this wallet is a wallet that you requested on

  1. add Property Token.
  2. make your Property Token that DEV Receiver holds temporarily escapable in case of emergency.
  3. make your DEV that DEV Receiver holds temporarily escapable in case of emergency.

If you want to raise the percentage of DEV that you are holding for a community, you can use our “Deposit feature” to increase it. And we recommend you and all users using the feature of escaping your tokens only in an emergent situation.

For those of you who want to issue a community token using DEV Receiver.

We Iroiro are supporting any individuals and organizations to help issue a community token. If you have interests in issuing a community token or have questions about DEV Receiver, please send us a DM message via our official Twitter account. We are happy to help!


Toshiaki Takase Github, Twitter, Linkedin
Tsukasa Noguchi Github, Twitter, Linkedin
Mami Ohira Github, Twitter


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