Introducing Iroiro for Social Token 🎨

Toshiaki Takase
Iroiro Social Token🎨
2 min readFeb 2, 2021

We are working on developing protocols that can leverage Social Token with the goal of expanding new possibilities for creators.

We use the Ethereum blockchain to provide new options for creators to continue their sustainable creative work. Currently, we are developing a “Social Token” management system called Iroiro.

What is Social Token?

A Social Token is a token issued by personal or community. We believe that Social Token is a way to visualize the relationship between issuers and holders. And We define it as a communication tool.

What is Iroiro?

Iroiro wants to make it easier to manage Social Tokens with diverse values.
Therefore, we are planning to provides three major functions.

  1. Issuing tokens
    Issuing tokens itself is very easy, but issuing and managing tokens in a fair manner to fans and communities is difficult. Therefore, a lock-up period or a long distribution period before the issuer can obtain the token prevents the token from being misused. These can be done on-chain and in a way that can be monitored by anyone. However, it is very easy for any creator to issue tokens. Note: Since Iroiro is only a protocol, we do not conduct any screening of creators. Fraud will be eliminated by the system.
  2. Distribute tokens
    Creators can distribute tokens to express their gratitude for fans’ actions. This is definitely different from giving money and creates a special relationship between creators and fans. For this reason, we will automate the distribution of tokens in a variety of ways, including token distribution using a list of wallet addresses, limited URL distribution, or distribution through SNS.
  3. Visualization of relationships
    Tokens have very different characteristics from money, one of which is that they have Historical information. This is a way to visualize “How long have I had the token?”, “When did I have it and how much?”, and “Who else has the same one?” …etc. Continuing to accumulate and visualize this information can lead to the establishment of a kind of credit or reputation and create new relationships.


Our project has only just begun. We tested the concept at last year’s ETHGlobal hackathon.

Currently, we are focusing on expanding the token distribution method. Specifically, the following token distribution methods are planned. (We call the token distribution tool a Distributor.)

  • Wallet address distributor
  • Restricted URL distributor
  • E-mail distributor


We will continue to develop other functions as needed.

Iroiro runs on the Ethereum public blockchain and the source code is available as OSS.

We are developing with a small team. So please feel free to contact us if there are any features you need for Social Token. We also welcome pull requests if you have any concerns.


Toshiaki Takase Github, Twitter, Linkedin
Tsukasa Noguchi Github, Twitter, Linkedin


Website Rinkeby:


